Thursday, 28 June 2007
Is there any sporting job out there that can earn me lots and lots of money? -
A footballer would be the best.if your gifted then you could be earning around 110,000 a WEEK!! keep practising|::::|You could get a job promoting sporting events or sponsorships. Those people can earn a good paycheck. Be prepared to work hard and put in a lot of hours. Agents also do well financially. Most will have a law degree. Some may have an MBA or MBA/JD. If you are very talented in playing sports you can earn a lot of money if you get tied up with the right people.|::::|There are a lot of them. Unfortunately for most of us, it takes a lot of talent in one sport or another to get one of those jobs. Are you a fantastic left handed pitcher? If so, you ve got it made. Go to college; get an MBA and be an agent. That way, you don t need any athletic skill at all, and you can be a zillionaire.
What internet site is there out in the world that can let you earn a lot of money free? -
I am flat broke and need some money. I have tried PTC (Paid to Click) and it sucks. You earn a freakin 1 cent per thing you click. OOOOHHHH I am eating good tonight. OK enough of me griping. Does anyone know any website where you can make AT LEAST $100 dollars a month. FOR FREE!!! And please don t tell me to get a job...cuz I already have one it just isn t the best. And I need some money to make my payments so PLEASE does andyone know any GOOD websites?|::::|You could definately make $100/month on the GPT site I use. Its free to join. How it works is you sign up for free offers, let companies advertise to you, and get paid. You can also complete daily surveys on that site for money. If you re interested, I ll give you the link, help you get started, and even walk you through a few offers if you d like. Just send me a message or catch me on IM :)
Can I find any Job on the internet or home from where I can earn without investing any money in it? -
You need to invest amount.That can vary from 500-5000 rupees.There are thousands of sites offering this type of jobs.Be careful of your selection.|::::|Hi iam a housewife,iam residing in tamilnadu,i having two kids,daily iam spending 1-2hrs daily in internet and earning money for my family,iam earning extra income and help to my husband more than Rs.5000 iam earning per month,so dont wait,check out the site and join the sites and earn money by working as parttime at home|::::|Well, I did it. I opened a Paypal account and took my first online job through a freelance website. I earned my first $10 that way. After 3 weeks, I had about $50 in my Paypal account. All earned legitimately without clicking on sites and all that other jazz. I used that as my capital to start my online business. Actually I used less than $15. Today I am what you call and itrader and internet entrepreneur. I will never go back to working online for anybody for just a few dollars. I make my money online and I know that I am in control of my future. By the way, all the guides and tips that helped me start online was free. I never bought an ebook, guide or any of that stuff. I just did a lot of reading and I learned a lot from the few people I worked with. I hope that gives you some encouragement in knowing that it is possible. I feel that if I can do it with no I.T. skills than anybody can.|::::|Absolutely! There are a ton of ways to make money on the internet. Some of my favorite ways are GPT, paid surveys, and paid to post. And they re all free to join and use. If you d like some links or need help with anything, feel free to message me or catch me on IM. Have a good day!|::::|If your spoken and written English is very good and having good knowledge of internet surfing and Ms-office and other software package, then you can easily get part time-fully time online job out of which you can earn money.|::::|u are the person im looking for, and i am looking for business partner to work with me. there is no business without investing, but this kind of business is just invest a little. if you want more detail, plz email me|::::|No you can not they are almost non existent and the spam your question gets is going to be just that SPAM.|::::|you might find several, there s tons to choose from|::::|well yes.|::::|You can earn online and that for sure but there are few preconditions: 1) You shall have a Broadband connection amp; PC at home 2) This is not a get-rich-quick scheme Online earning is like a business where the earning is certain but it takes time (2/3 year) before you actually start earning profits. 3) As it is your business you will have to spend at least 3/4 hours a day to develop the product of your business amp; do its marketing There are two key things is a business (1) A PRODUCT and (2) MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT Now lets see an answer to your question: CREATE A WEBSITE (PRODUCT) Go to, sign-up, get a user name amp; ID and create a website. Try to select the topic of your website in which you have command amp; knowledge CREATE A GOOGLE ADSENSE A/C (PRODUCT) Go to, sign-up, get a user name amp; ID. Here google will allot you some ads that you can post on your website. Any body (except you) who clicks on those ads will make you earn money. INCREASE TRAFFIC TO YOUR WEBSITE (MARKETING) Do search engine optimization (SEO) of your website (product). This is simple and people are earning this way. if you want to know more about adsense please go to the blow link and read an article on adsense.
Does anyone make money online? -
ive been lookin around for a way to supplement my income a little to maybe save up for a small vacation. is there anything online i can do to earn a little extra each month? like surveys or something?|::::|I run a forum website for waterfowl hunters. with advertisments and sponsors I can earn a couple hundred a month. Nothing to set me into retirement, but its great to put a little spare change in my pocket.|::::|make a simple webpage that will attract some people. Then put google ads on your page. Every time someone clicks on a google ad you get a lil money. Just don t click a lot on the same IP address (like at work) in the same day because they will take it off your page.|::::|you can sell things on ebay or host a website and add some ads|::::|I can recommend this site which gives you 25 great and easy ways to make money online, have fun =]|::::|many people make money online here is one of the best free methods:
What is the mission of life? -
What is the mission of life? Is it just earning money and putting out of the box. I t can be said as an quot;The undignified thoughts which makes it ruthless for a human-beingquot;. |::::| The misson of life is much higher. It is your trial to utilize resources of your time and effort to make this world a better place. For this purpose you need help of God, because selfishness will overtake you soon. If you succeed in making this world a better place, you will be rewarded by a better, a much better life in an eternal bliss that is called paradise. But if you fail and end up making it a worse place, you will be sent to a place of eternal suffering called hellfire. In fact this world is a carvan serai ( a temporary motel). As a new entrant you expect it to be reasonably cleaned, nice looking and full of fragrance. If you find any of these attributes missing, you blame and even hate the earlier incumbent. So should you leave the room, in a better shape, than you got it. The biggest positive effect on humanity is that of Holy Prophet Muhammad . Just have a look at quot; The 100 quot;, a reference of 100 most influential persons in human history. Both at religious and temporal level the highest positive effect on the society is from him. Muhammad Javed Iqbal|::::|I m not sure just what you mean by the last sentence so you d have to explain that a bit more. As to the mission of life - you are here to learn and grow by your experiences. There are also karmic matters to tend to. When you think of it, nothing in life stands still, it s always changing from one state to another, and that s what is happening to us as human beings too. I don t just mean in the physical sense but in our awareness of life and what our place in the universe is. We have a purpose for being here and if you can study your strengths and weaknesses, your talents and abilities, you ll see where you are meant to make a contribution. Don t worry about the money part of it. You can t take it with you! ;- )|::::|Everything fills a niche on this earth. Ours might be to dig up the fossil fuels and return them to the ecosystem. They are carbon compounds that managed to escape recycling back into the system of living organisms. As they accumulate, the system is diminished. But that doesn t conform to the mindless, neo-Marxist p.c. attitude, does it? It doesn t blame the industrial capitalists for every ill on earth, does it?|::::|Know God and His love, and then share God and His love.|::::|To learn lessons in life.|::::|my philosophy is if I havent changed the world during the time im on earth, it wasnt worth me being here
What Are The New Smencil Flavors? -
My school is having a fundraiser that when they sell Smencils, they earn money for the school damages, etc. So I wanted to know what flavors the Smencils come in because I heard they have new flavors.|::::|My kids love SMENCILS!!!...I hope this will help you out...|::::|Look and see if they have a website. I am a teacher and I know the smencils are a good fundraiser, but I am so sick of kids complaining that someone took theirs or they can t find one and they think someone took it because they have the same smelling one!!
Question on Titheing (giving the church 10% of what you make)? -
I am babysitting this New Years, my parents and I have set up a plan for my $ when ever I earn money 10% goes to church 50% goes into a college account and 40% goes into spending whatever I want. I was wondering if it would be ok if just for New Years I kept all the money, is that a sin? The bible says donate 10% of what you make but I just want some money to have fun with. Please dont disrespect my plan b/c it works VERY well, im 14 and I have $1,000 to spend and have fun with!|::::|Tithing is not for New Testament believers. The New Testament says to give what you want cheerfully, and if you don t want to give, then don t Tithing rules are under the Old Testament law. Believers are not under the law, so any group that forces tithing, is wrong on that point.|::::|I wouldn t say it s a sin but maybe give some of the money to a charitable organization in your town. That way it has personal meaning for you as well. I don t see what s wrong with keeping money to spend but as you stated you already have a thousand bucks to play around with. Also, if this is an agreement with your parents, would you have to lie to them to keep the money? I d put more towards my college education and less towards my spending but that s just me. I m still in debt and 35. Just some thoughts. Be well.|::::|I don t believe that you have to give money to the church to be a good Christian. Churches have begun to be more of a business than a place of worship. Giving any of your money as a 14 yo is a good sign of commitment to begin with. Keep your money for New Years. God doesn t punish anyone for spending their own money.|::::|If you already have $1000 to spend and have fun with why do you need even more? What kind of fun are you planning on? Look, this is between you and your parents. But I will say that if you like the current system then keep it. If you deviate even once, you will be tempted to do so again. Pretty soon you ll find yourself not putting anything into your college savings.|::::|It s your money, do what you want with it. I guess it s actually a good preparation for the future, where the government will tax you instead of religion (or in the worst case, along with religion). You are -so- going to have the same dilemmas, hehe.|::::|You could convert to Islam and SAVE! They only require you tithe 2.5%............ just kidding. God gives you everything you need to live: water, air, food, and resources for shelter and heat. What if, just for New Years, God decided not to give you any of those things, but keep them all to himself?|::::|Peter said that what is yours is yours, but IF you say you re going to give to the Church, then give. For some reason, the Church didn t teach Peter said that back in the Middle Ages. :)|::::|Do what you want with it. It is YOUR money, YOU earned it. Bible says give to the needy, not to the church. (The church is not needy)|::::|Margret, Your plan sounds great and I would stick to it not borrowing God s money . I personally would not take God s tithe . God bless amp; Merry Christ mas !|::::|If you already have $1000, why do you need to keep ALL your New Year s money? Treat it the same as all other earnings.|::::|All of the times that I didn t tithe I found that God in some way exacted His 10%|::::|Why would you need the extra money anyway? You have enough to have a lot of fun.|::::|Keep your money. You earned it. You deserve it. I would like to know though, who paid you $1000 dollars to babysit?|::::|God bless you for already tithing. Never forget 2 things: 1--We are under grace. You don t need to try and do anything to gain God s favor. Grace means undeserved favor. 2--All of our money, not just 10% is God s. Now concerning tithing: God does bless us when we give to support His work—but not necessarily by giving us more money. His blessings come to us in many ways, including the joy of knowing that He is using our gifts to help others and point them to Christ. God doesn t promise to bless us, however, if our motives are selfish or we are giving only because we hope to get something in return. One of the most sobering stories in the Bible is that of Ananias, who with his wife sold some property to give money to the church. (You can read about them in Acts 5:1-11.) But they were only doing it to impress people, and they lied and held some of it back. God severely judged them as a result. Christians who want to please the Lord often have questions about tithing. The dictionary defines the word quot;tithequot; as quot;a tenth part of something paid as a voluntary contribution or as a tax especially for the support of a religious establishment.quot; It was a common practice in the Old Testament and required of members of the nation of Israel. Many Christians believe that this principle of giving one-tenth should be carried over to the New Testament in giving ton the church and other ministries. I have found in my own home, as have thousands of others, that God s blessing upon the nine-tenths, when I tithe, helps it to go farther than ten-tenths without His blessing.ving to the church and other Christian organizations. However, even then the question as to whether to tithe from one s net or gross income is not answered in Scripture, nor is the question of whether to give it all to the local church or to include other ministries. I feel that such decisions should be based on personal conviction. Other Christians who tithe do so simply because they respect the Old Testament principle and find it a helpful place to begin in their giving. They do not believe, however, that tithing is a New Testament obligation. It is not mentioned in the New Testament except where it is describing Old Testament practices, or in the Gospels where Jesus is addressing people who were under the Old Testament law. Note Jesus comments to the Pharisees in LukeA New Testament teaching on giving which may be helpful to you is found in 1 Corinthians 16:2: quot;On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income.quot; This passage brings out four points: we should give individually, regularly, methodically, and proportionately. A New Testament teaching on giving which may be helpful to you is found in 1 Corinthians 16:2: quot;On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income.quot; This passage brings out four points: we should give individually, regularly, methodically, and proportionately. The matter of your giving is between you and God, and He always takes into account our circumstances. He knows when they are beyond our power to direct and control. The important thing is that we see giving as a privilege and not a burden. It should not be out of a sense of duty, but rather out of love for the Lord and a desire to see His kingdom advanced. Second Corinthians 9:6-7 says: quot;Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.quot; The deeper question, you see, is this: What has priority in our lives? Is Christ really first—or do we put ourselves and our own desires first? Make sure Christ is first in your life, and then ask Him to guide you.|::::|For your info... The bible does not say that if you do not give 10% of your earnings to the church, you are sinning. The idea for the 10% comes from the bible verse that says something like quot;Who would not give 1/10 of all they own to help with the building of a temple for God?quot; You also see the figure 1/10 appear numerous times throughout the Old Testament in reference to one person giving another person in the form of a quot;tithequot;. This is where the church idea fortithing comes from. To not tithe to the church is not a sin. God does not want anything given to him because there are rules that demand it... God wants people to give to him because they WANT to... like the spirit of the Christmas holoday we just celebrated. If you can t afford to give the tithe, for whatever reason, it s not a sin to not tithe. If it still burdens your heart that you haven t given your tithe to the church, perhaps you could make an offering of time to the church in the form of helping out with something, providing a service to someone from your church, or perhaps something as simple as prayer. Discuss the idea with your church elder... they will have a better idea of what the needs of the church are and where you could best fill them.|::::|You ll have to take that up with your parents, but it might help to understand why your parents feel the way they do. The ten percent of our income we are asked of God is not our money, it is His. So if we don t give that to the Lord we are robbing God. God doesn t need that money, he s got plenty of millionaires that believe in Him. He will probably never need your money, but you might need to pay it as a demonstration of your faith. If you want some extra cash I d take it from the college fund first (I can t think of any lasting fun stuff that would require more than a thousand bucks. Maybe a computer but you can take that to college.) I had a paper route when I was 12 a lot of my money was put away for college with the help of my parents. I still have that money. Now I m almost done with college (I ve paid for it myself), married and I haven t spent any of it, but I m sure glad it s there and I m making a lot of money in interest from the bank.
How many of you collect cans for $$$$ money? -
my class collects cans to go and earn money for doing more activities around our school like to go to a restaurant for example|::::|My brother collects them all year and then cashes them in at the end of may and goes to disneyland with the money he gets. He usually gets around 400 dollars. in ca its 2.00 a pound|::::|In our family we drink plenty of soda and beer for aluminum cans. It takes about a month for a full trash can to give us about $15 which is about .30cents a lb in our area. (St. Louis)|::::|I do, I do
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Are there any games like: Gaiaonline, Poptropica,Fantage,Clubpenguin? -
I just want to know if there are any fun games that include talking to people making a virtual you and stuff like that(earning money and chatting etc.) But thing that don t allow downloading like maple story.|::::|How about
Is it worth it???gt;?gt;?gt;?gt;?gt;?gt;? -
I got my first job a while ago and i have never owed any sort of playstation in my life (i m 15) and i v always wanted one. I finally have enough money to buy a playstation 2 and the disney sing it game. Ut s going to cost me around $250 so my question is is it worth the hard earned money?|::::|Go ahead and buy it. It s your money and you can do whatever you want with it. If you like it and keep playing with it, then great! If you regret getting it, then you ll just have to regret it. Or you ll have to try and sell it. These type of decisions are all a part of being grown up and a part of life. Sometimes you make the right choices, sometimes you don t. You ll learn something from this and gain some life experience, too. Hope you do enjoy the game!|::::|Well sweetheart, YOU worked for it, YOU earned it, NOBODY ELSE just handed you the money, and if it s something that YOU always wanted, then go for it! Never ask yourself quot;was it worth itquot;, because if it s something that you really want, then get it. It wouldn t matter rather or not you were going to buy a year s worth of skittles, it was your money so go for it! Hope this helps kiddo! :)|::::|Yeah i love my ps2 and getting a ps3 for xmas . In the uk a second hand ps2 with 2 games is £40 which is like $90. My brother also bought one on ebay for quite cheap so try there ...|::::|That sounds a lot like how I use to think. I would always finally get enough money and wouldn t get it bc I didn t want to spend that much on it. But now I wish I would ve gotten the things I wanted when I could have. So if you really want it, get it.|::::|Of course. You always wanted one so indulge. It isnt like you have a mortgage to pay, your 15. Have fun, be a kid. Congrats on the job, nice to see youngsters working, starting a future.|::::|Yes if you really want it and u have worked hard on that money. So, If i were you and really wanted it I WOULD! but i would wait till Christmas is over cause who know u could get it for Christmas!|::::|Buy everything while you can cause before you know it, your moving out, paying rent and bills and won t have money for anything you want! Get it!|::::|I d save the money for something else unless you re absolutely sure it s what you want|::::|wait a for another pay chech and get an xbox 360. or go the classifides and get on for like 20 bucks . i wold sell you mine for that|::::|If you really want it get it...|::::|No it s not worth your money.|::::|DONquot;T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!!!|::::|Of course it is if you really want it|::::|no
Your profit P is determined by subtracting the cost C (the amount of money it costs to operate a business) ? -
from the revenue R (the amount of money you earn from selling your product) Profit can be represented algebraically by the equations. P=R-C or Profit=Revenue-Cost a) Rewrite the formula at o solve for C. b) Suppose your profit for one day is $1,281, and the cost of running the business for th e day is $1,463. What is the revenue for t hat day? Explain your answer.|::::|... $2 744 R=C+P|::::|U r right P=R-C so put the digits into the formula:- here P=$1,281 and C= $ 1,463 ,, R= ? Put the digits:- $ 1,281= R - $ 1,463 $ 1,281 + $ 1,463 = R So R = $ 2,744.|::::|a) P - R= -C so C = -(P - R), final answer is C = R - P b) P = 1281, C = 1463, P = R - C, so $1281 = R - $1463 so R = $2744 Hope it is correct.
Why do ppl create viruses? -
Do they have nothing better to do. I just dont get it. Do they earn money off of it or just satisfaction that their in control? Is it just a single person creating it or a whole company?|::::|There is more spy ware than there are of viruses. Most viruses are Trojans. There main objective is to try to read what s on your hard drive before crashing it. There looking for bank statements, Credit card #s Social Security # s Anything that might get them money. That s why i keep all my stuff on a separate hard drive that is connected only through my USB port. That way when i get done it s disconnected from my machine and not left on my hard drive in my computer. Also i have the best Security money can buy.|::::|They are created by a secret team of programmers working for Apple! Haha... On a serious note, there are rumors that anti-virus companies create viruses for money-making purposes, however it s hard to know if this holds truth. The main reason that there are viruses out there is because people can put them out. Some people just don t care if they ruin someone s system for absolutely no reason. Some viruses target personal information, password, and other things as well.|::::|Some have nothing better to do and some can make money... The viruses themselves don t cause people to make money but, the information that collected with them such as credit card numbers can... Sometimes it s one person and other times it s large groups of people.. There s nothing set in stone as to who can and can t a virus creator... Anybody who knows code can create a virus... That s all a virus is is malicious code that your computer reads as you wanting it to do something destructive... Hope This Helps!|::::|It is mostly criminal gangs, often in eastern Europe that create malware and viruses...and they do it for money. They can make a VERY good living from coding malware. Eugene Kaspersky, founder of anti-virus maker Kaspersky Labs said it best, quot; It s a different world today. 10 years ago, we were fighting against smart kids who hacked as a hobby. Now, we re dealing with criminal gangs that control your computer to make money. Different world, different protections.quot;,1895,207... quot;Malware creation hotspots growing in the former Soviet countries (such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia). Other major areas of criminal activity are Brazil and China, which have large numbers of individuals with sophisticated computing skills but without the job opportunities to make a living for themselves in the IT sector. Online crime often presents a more lucrative path to raising living standards for people like these.quot; From: In all too many parts of the world, the laws regarding internet crime are weak and/or the authorities are corrupt and easily bribed.|::::|Some people are hired by a company to test their security and the people that don t get paid just get a kick out of hassling other people.|::::|Test security.
Funny joke! Let me no if you like it :]? -
A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any jobs for her to do. quot;Well, you can paint my porch. How much will you charge?quot; The blonde said, quot;How about 50 dollars?quot; The man agreed and told her that the paint and ladders that she might need were in the garage. The man s wife, inside the house, heard the conversation and said to her husband, quot;Does she realize that the porch goes all the way around the house?quot; The man replied, quot;She should. She was standing on the porch.quot; A short time later, the blonde came to the door to collect her money. quot;You re finished already?quot; he asked. quot;Yes,quot; the blonde answered, quot;and I had paint left over, so I gave it two coats. quot;Impressed, the man reached in his pocket for the $50. quot;And by the way,quot; the blonde added, quot;that s not a Porch, it s a Ferrari.quot; Give me a star if it made you laugh :]|::::|hahaha thats funny!!! but also sooo bad.. i would be so mad if she did that to my ferrai!! :( heeee|::::|hahahahahhahahahahhhaha|::::|lol this was on a blonde jokes website.|::::|oh i would be so pissed|::::|funny!!hahahahaha|::::|i m not a blond so don t start but i did not get the last punch line about the ferrari thing....... but everyone liked it so it must ve been a good joke (even thought i didn t get the funnny part)|::::|not really funny.i m pissed about your other post about black jokes!!!this ain t funny though, just lame.|::::|hahaha but why are blondes always the one being made fun of??? what about brunettes?????|::::|lol, very funny|::::|ahahahahaha that was so funny. lol i totally get it.|::::|ahhahhahaha|::::|hahaa..|::::|Hahah.|::::|funny|::::|Well, it made me smirk and chuckle a little.|::::|Ha ha. I would be pissed. Im a blonde :/|::::|lmbo that was a god one. i gave ya a star.|::::|haha stupid but strangely I laughed out loud|::::|I Didnt Laugh, Laugh lol but i liked it (:|::::|Wow. What a sad moment.|::::|hahahaha no|::::|Clever! haha silly blond|::::|its an Old one but still good if your not blond
I donrsquo;t know what to do? -
I need a career something that I can earn enough money to take care of a family when that time comes. I’m an athletic person, creative at times(with words), I’m an procrastinator, I’m skeptical about the whole collage process, some people say I should rap(me and my friend made a couple of songs, but I don’t feel I’m that consistent with it), I want to try acting and boxing but have to be sure before I just dive into it, want to tryout for the N.B.A but don’t know where to start. So many ways to turn! What can I do? What do you do to earn your money?|::::|You have to make your own mind up what you want to do. You are 22 years old, don t wait until you get to old to make you mind up. So find out what you are good at and stick with that. My daughter is 23 years old and she has not made up her mind what she really want to do. She now works at a bank as a teller. But she want from collage to CNA classes to working in a nursing home to banking and more. What do you have a longing to do. What do you have in your heart to do. Then you go for it. Me myself I love people, so I like working with people and helping them. I like smiling, talking, my heart go out to people that can t help them self. So one day I am hoping to open a homeless shelter. Don t let your friends tell you what you should be or do, make up your own mind. You will see it will work out. God bless you Mary r.|::::|go to college, business industry is really good financially, easy to study in college, and good for u since u have good communication skills, or creative with words as u said, that s very helpful specially in the marketing or advertisement industry. Good luck|::::|There s a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of you being drafted into the NBA or making it big as a rap star. Instead, try getting an education first. I m not telling you that it s not okay to have dreams, but you MUST have a plan B.|::::|If you re already out of high school, you will not become a boxer or part of the NBA without college. Get a job at Geico or something. Be more realistic.|::::|Find something that you might like and is thing is to get to school.|::::|try MMA boxing is dying. and dont ignore college just do a class at atime and you can do it all online. try a tech college or something|::::|First of all, figure out what you want to do, what is realistic and then how you are going to get there. Right now is a good time to look at a trades school, or maybe an apprenticeship program in a trades, working through a union hall if you do not want to sit through 2 or 4 years of college. If you rap or try for the NBA, remember, every one that makes it big or scores really good, there is tens of thousands who did not. Get something stable, then you can work on your music or sports as something on the side, like working a part time job on the side. If you make it big, you can quit your day job, if not, you can do it because you enjoy making music, etc...|::::|go to school. It gets you way farther and you won t regret education to get you a better job. You should be a teacher. gym or english? just throwing it out there. I wouldn t waste time with the rapping, boxing or bball. you want something that will WORK so you can support your family, those other things can be your hobbies. I am eighteen and i am going to school to be a nurse. but right now while i am in school i work at a restaurant. everyone is skeptical about school, choose something that s not too long, like four years maximum so you will be able to see that the end is near and so you wont feel like giving up. Good luck! Its a hard choice but it will be worth it.|::::|i m a musician....but it took *many* years to finally reach that goal... i first went to college, and spent years as an insurance amp; financial advisor...if i were you, i d pursue your creative interests part-time - while going to school to earn a degree in something you re interested in... or, if you can t find anything you re interested in (lol), get a degree in Business Administration - that way, you ll always have something to fall back on if your dreams don t pan out. btw, i m a singer in a local pop/rock club band (but it s SO cold here tonight, work got cancelled) - speaking of which, there s the first negative on being a musician - when there s no work, there s no pay - also, there are no benefits, and the hours suck - but it s LOTS of fun, and when i do get paid, i get paid in CASH! :) good luck. :)|::::|just sell some crack. It always helps support the family.
How can a ten year old get rich quick? -
My daughter wants to earn money fast and I don t know how to help her. She really wants to pet sit, but she dosen t know what to put on the signs. She only has 20 dollars. She wants to have 500 by the time she turns 11. Please help! She s asked me for allowance, but I don t know what she could do. She also wants to wrap presents, but there s nowhere she could do it. She asked me if she could babysit but, we don t know what to do for the signs. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! HELP!!!|::::|There is no LEGAL way a 10 yr old can earn money fast. If you cant give her an allowance, or set up opportunities for her to earn money around the house, then she is just plain out of luck.....|::::|Sorry but as a pet owner I could not in good conscience allow a 10 yr old to be alone with my dog. It is just to much of a liability to do that.|::::|Please be careful with scam websites. /|::::|I m not sending you any money!
How long does it take to earn a promotions in the service? -
I am planning to join the Air Force this spring. I ve been trying to figure out a sort of budget, so i can do some financial planning for the year ahead (as I have substantial student loan debt). I was trying to figure out how much money i might earn annually while serving active duty, and its hard with only the pay scale, and no real idea how long it takes to earn a promotion. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank You! For example: If I was to enlist as an E-1 or E-2, what rank might I find myself after my 1st year of service? after my 2nd?|::::|If you enlist in the Air Force as an E-1, your promotion cycle would be: E-2, 6 months time grade as an E-1. E-3 , 10 months time in grade as an E-2 E-4 , 28 months time in grade as an E-3 or 36 months time in service. Which ever comes first. You can test for E-5 after 36 months time in service.|::::|There is no set promotion schedule. You enter as an E1, and if you are steady, hard working, and doing a good job, you could see several promotions a year. If you slack off, are disrespectful, or just marking time until discharge, you could still be an E1 years later. - Stuart|::::|They will try to sell you bonds when you get in the military. Tell them that you are a day trader, and access to an internet koisk would greatly ease your mind.|::::|8 months from E-2 to E-3. 28 months from E-3 to E-4. After E-4 you have to take written promotion test to advance.|::::|Im in the Air Force and I can tell you that we are the slowest promoted branch. I came in as a 6 year enlistee which, after basic, I was an E-3 but now to be an E-4, I have to wait 3 years. If you get below the zone, its 2 1/2 years. My boyfriend is a Marine, he s now an E-4 and he s been in about the same time as me. My friend who is in the Navy got Petty officer third class(E-4) and he s been in for like a year. Pretty much, Air Force promotes the slowest, Army the fastest, Marines(depending how sh*t hot you are), and the Navy is about the same.|::::|You can enlist and enter at a rank higher than E1. I ship to basic for the Navy tomorrow and I m gonna be paid as an E3 as soon as I get there because of my college credits and the fact that I signed on as a nuke. I get E4 as soon as I finish A-school. After nuclear power school and prototype, if I decide to extend my enlistment from 6 years to 8 years, I can get automatic E5 and a big *** bonus. So that would be E5 in about two years. That s pretty much as fast as it gets in the Navy. It s my personal career track. That doesn t apply to anyone but Navy nukes. It all really depends on your job and your performance. From what I hear it is harder to get promoted in the Air Force than any other branch simply because they are the most over-manned. The number of promotions given is based on the need to fill those ranks.
How do I tell my parents they cant borrow a large sum of money from me? -
First off. I am 20 and a college student who dorms and at the moment does not have a job. The money i have in the bank I earned over the summer or had extra from student loans. My parents just found out they owe 500 dollars. I know for a fact they will probably be asking me to borrow that money. (They already owe me 500, becase they bought my old laptop off me) I have enough, but if i give it to them I am going to be completly screwed for next semester books and the cost of living. And I know they will take months to pay me back. How do I say no? Because I know if I say no my dad is going to flip out and call me selfish. They also might ask for my credit card, and I cant take the chance of them messing up my credit history which I have been working very hard at. Also, my parents are NOT helping me pay for college, so that wont be brought up. They are only helping me by paying my cell bill.|::::|You are in a very tough spot. Mixing money and family is very tricky and often disastrous. You obviously do not have enough money to loan out. You have an expense coming up that will have to be paid. That means you just do not have the money. I would simply let them know your money is accounted for. You need to point out that you also have expenses that must be paid. I would never loan my credit card to anyone, ever. I actually have cut up all of my credit cards. You may want to tell them you are unable to use your credit card at this time. I mean the economy is falling all around us. You need to have some kind of back up plan. Mind you, I never advise someone to use a credit card, even in an emergency. I always recommend using a savings account. With all of that said, I would have to say that you need to just put your foot down and tell your parents you do not have the money right now. Maybe your father or mother needs to look at getting a second job in order to get through this. I highly recommend going to Dave Ramsey s web site. He is a great debt counselor and faces these types of questions all of the time. Remember that money and family are a sticky combination, so tread lightly.|::::|You are going to have to tell them you are short of money, and if you lend some out, you will not be able to afford college. You have to make some tough decisions, and you cannot lend them the money. Refuse to give them your credit card. Tell them you can lend them money when you are out of college, have a job, and have a nest egg built up. One trick you can try is asking them for money first. Ask them if you can borrow a thousand dollars from them. They will say no, but it will be hard for them to borrow money from you when you are trying to borrow money from them.|::::|I would tell them you can t financially do it right now. Tell them that you know the amount you need for next year (even if you don t) and that what you have in savings is already as good as spent, and if you don t have it, you will not be able to afford next semester. If they ask for your credit card, tell them you cut it up because of the economy and temptation to use it (whether you did or not). It is not any of their business whether you have one anyway, since you are financially independent from them. Then, perhaps let them know of some other sources they can use to get the money. Do a little research, and show that you do care about them, even if you can t loan them the money right now. Perhaps the place you can get payday loans? Or a bank loan? How about they get their OWN credit card? Credit unions? Remember, you did not get to choose your parents. You don t owe them anything that will screw up your life. It is wrong of them even to ask. Be strong.|::::|Tell them the truth. You don t have the money. Your parents need to better manage their money and you giving them money isn t going to help them. If your dad flips out tell him sorry but this isn t selfish. You withholding from your parents is loving. They are the selfish ones buying things they can t afford. If they asked you for money to get drunk you wouldn t be helping them would you and it wouldn t make you selfish. If they are having a hard time paying off $500 they have problems. They need to go out and make more money and cut back on their spending.|::::|At times like these it is best to find common ground. Anything involving money and family can be a bit messy. My recommendation is to first consider the possibility of loaning your parents a portion of the total amount such as $250 or even $200. Advise your parents that you need some of the money to pay for books and that you are already budgeted. If you can t afford to give them anything advise your parents that you wish you could help them but at the moment you just can t. But assure them that once you do have the extra cash that you will send some their way. The credit card is a bit difficult. I m going to assume it is your own card under your name and you re not piggy backing on their credit. Let them know that you only use that card for emergencies and if you can fib about the credit line. quot;I only have a $300 credit linequot; then they might reconsider. I don t want to sound paranoid, but this would be a good time to put a credit freeze on your account so no new credit cards are opened in your name. I m not accusing your parents of forging to get a credit card, but these are hard times. Just a suggestion. In my experience, parents just want to be reassured that their children are willing to help. I think that if you are able to work something out, that would be best. If not, you are going to have to bite that bullet and say quot;no, I m sorryquot;.|::::|your parents took care of u for the last 18 yrs......u need to give them the money
How do I stop Feeling like This? Is this Extremely Abnormal? -
I have always been a considerate person, but lately it has been extreme. I cannot buy or use nice things because I feel so guilty. Like if I am invited to a nice restaurant I feel sick thinking about all the poor people who are dying of starvation. Or I recently tried to go shopping for a dress for a special occasion. I just could not get myself to buy a dress at all because of my guilt. I get very very angry and depressed when I hear of people buying 300 dollar purses or shirts, etc. I do not earn much money (i am in college), but I do give what I can to organizations that fight hunger, I have several sponsored children, and I volunteer at the homeless shelter. I do my part to help, but I still feel like this. It s good to be considerate, but I feel like it is taking over my own life. How do I learn to enjoy my own life when the world is so horrible??|::::|You re doing the right thing, as far as giving back to the community, but the sad fact remains that there will always be those that are less fortunate than we are. It s really important that you realize you are a valuable member of your community, and to focus on all of the positive things that you are giving back. You re only one person, you need to do things for yourself and not feel negatively about it. It s called self maintenance, and it s vital to your health and well being. Keep doing what you re doing, and you ll receive back from those less fortunate not substance or physical things, but you ll have their gratitude, and there s nothing more meaningful than that.|::::|First of all, you re a very sweet person and your community is lucky to have you aboard! Secondly, it is lame when people purchase $300 accessories exclusively and indulge in excess on a regular basis. But that isn t the same as the occasional gift to yourself for all the wonderful things you do for others. Try to put things in perspective and instead of comparing yourself to people less fortunate- compare yourself to the greedy and the selfish. Then you might be able to enjoy yourself a bit more!|::::|I would just think of how your extra money is doing something good and how you are helping others. I would kinda put money into 3 envelopes, one for saving, one for shopping ( groceries clothing etc) and one for charity. But 40 in savings 40 in shopping and 10 or 15 in charity. Like 45% 45% and 10%.|::::|Look out for yourself and stop being so politically correct. There is such a thing as being too nice.|::::|hmm well if you could always volunteer your time to those in needy.|::::|For some people its harder to accept than others but you have to realize that charities only make the problem worse. People are having children that have no Business having children. our species is extremely over populated and the only way to solve the problem of world hunger would be to reduce the human population by somewhere around 42% and convert from an all meat diet to a vegetarian diet. im sorry if this isn t the supportive thing you wanted to hear but humanities uncontrolled population growth is responsible for world hunger, deforestation, global warming, and many other problems. you have every right to feel bad. over 150 people could be fed of the greens it takes to raise 1 cow for slaughter that will feed approximately 35 people. The world suck but noone is ever going to anything about it . we are pretty much a lost cause as a race.
Teacher job?where?what country?How?Why? -
How can I apply abroad as a teacher? pls. give me websites and some information about it...I really need to work abroad...and earn money...dollars...|::::|go to japan get your education degree get a job on a military base over sea or apply at the local embassy usually you dont pay for room and board; COLA (cost of living allowance)|::::|Get off yahoo and look on google, isn t hard to work out. See, by writing in quot;teaching abroadquot; on google i got 695,000+ results!;q=t...|::::|Go to NY. It will be just like teaching abroad. The Nations have come to NYC, especially Queens, it is very diverse. Just kidding. Google in Teaching jobs/international.|::::|There are lots of places. Craigslist usually has list under the education section.|::::| has a good selection of British and international jobs. |::::|contact for more info
How do YOU make more money? -
You are running low on money. How do you make money? (not go to your parents/friends/bf/gf- earning money)|::::|Selling chocolates and/or a car wash.|::::|Well I make extra $540 checks at|::::|I stay over at the corner...just drive by, 12 cents an hour.... *looks around suspiciously* Yeah, spread the word!|::::|I steal tips off of the unoccupied tables.|::::|sell stuff you don t need on
Saving 1 million dollars for retirement? -
well I heard that you can invest in CD s to earn more money and save it, I m 13 and I want to know how to save 1 mill by the time I retire...I know I thinking of this at a young age, but I want a good retirement...can anyone help me?|::::|I think its great that someone your age is thinking way ahead into the future. Generally, CDs and savings accounts don t earn high interest where it can grow fast enough for you to retire comfortably on. Here, I will reveal to you about how money works and you may never hear about it again in the future because schools and colleges don t even teach it. Its call the quot;Rule of 72.quot; The Rule of 72 states how long it will take your money to double given the interest rate. Lets say you save $10,000 and you put it into a savings account. On average, savings accounts get an interest rate of around 1%. Take 1 and divide that into 72, it will take 72 years for your money to become $20,000. I think you would rather die than to retire on just $20,000. Lets say you put it into a CD. On average, CDs get an average interest rate of around 3%. 72/3 = 24 years. It will take 24 years for your $10,000 to become $20,000. By the time you retire at age 65, you will have about $50,000. If you put it into a money market account, which gets an average rate of 5%, it will take 14.4 years for your money to double. By the time you retire at age 65, you will have about $130k. Put it into stocks or equity mutual funds, which gets an average rate of 10% over a 25 year period, it will take 7.2 years for your money to double. By the time you retire at age 65, you will have about $1.8 million. You should ask your parents to open a UGMA account and invest into mutual funds. When you get a job and earn income, open a Roth IRA (if you are earned income this year for doing some part-time jobs, you can open a Roth IRA and put away 100% of your income or a maximum of $5000, whichever is less).|::::|With the way the stockmarket is going these days ~ fixed income return is probably the way to go. CD s are excellent and you would probably amass 1 Million or MORE by your retirement if you start today. Get the best rates and keep an eye out for better ones when the ones you have mature. Good LUCK !!! Most of us are depressed having 1/3 to 1/2 of our investment value disappear quot;POOFquot; ~ means we ll have to work a lot longer now.|::::|Go to or google retirement calculators. You will need about 2.5 million to retire above poverty level. One big secret that my parents taught me. Never borrow for anything but a house. And pay that off as soon as you can. The money you save in interest alone over the years will collect you a million - JUST INTEREST. /|::::|In the long run you ll make more money investing in stocks rather than CD s. When you re older, think about that as an investment choice. In the meantime, start reading about stocks and mutual funds. I would start here as T. Rowe Price is a good family of funds. There s plenty of advice at this website. Good luck! It s never too early to start saving. By the way. By the time you retire, you ll need a lot more than $1,000,000 to retire comfortably.
What Should i do about money? -
I need a computer that is 289pounds (GBP), as I need it for college, and doing various things, essays etc at my house, (as my parents complain about the amount of time spent on the computer). if I got one, I have already pointed out that i could use the wireless system in my house, so i can access the internet. They have agreed that I can do this, as long as I pay for half of the 289 quid PC. I only get 7 Pounds a week, and my parents grudge giving em any more, and I don t really like to ask. Does anyone have any idea of how I can earn some cash quickly. I am only 15 and still in high school, I finish in May 2009, and then I will go to college. I live in the UK, and as the legal age of employment is 16, I don t know how I will earn any more money. I have also tried getting a paper round, but I haven t got quot;chosenquot;, my names been on the list for about a year. 10 Points goes to the best answerer.|::::|if you have any computer skills like programing, graphics designing, web developing or designing, web content writing, then try to work as freelance. You can get this kind of jobs on internet. Try not to get in any scam, so use,, etc. best of luck.|::::|Steal it, work for it, find a sugar momma.
How do you make a bit of money on the side right now? -
I m 17, and I have a part-time job. But I broke my ankle recently and haven t been able to work. I go back on the 11th of January which is too late to be paid on January 25th. This means I won t be paid until February 25th and I am out of money and savings right now! Is there any way that I can earn money now to sustain me until then. and I mean money in my pocket almost immedietly since I can t afford to wait too much longer.|::::|That is a hard one. There is no such thing as quick or easy money. Since you are stuck in bed, consider an online venture. No time to open your own website and make money through advertising. But you can make money through writing articles for websites or blogs. They pay between $5 and $15 and you could easily write 5 articles a day. That is how I started up my online career and now I am a full time internet entrepreneur.|::::|In order to make money Tabitha you need to sit down and think of a service or product that will benefit society, how will your product or service benefit me, keep me satisfied and how will you give me endless pleasure to an extent that I always come back to you and not go elsewhere, the price must also be a price that Im happy with, they is no quick answer to make money, find out what people want and give to them what they want and make sure all stakeholders are happy, GOOD LUCK|::::|You can sell of of your valuable belongings i.e playstation, any guitars, everything. I am afraid that as you are skint you are in the adult world bankrupt so you must liquidate all of your assets in order to survive. If you do not have any assets, well then you are screwed. Consider asking someone for a loan.|::::|One of my grandsons is 15. He does odd jobs after school and weekends, such as shoveling snow, mowing grass, raking leaves, walking dogs, weeding. Whatever he can find. So far he is doing well and has managed to save some money. Not a lot, but some. And he has spending money of his own. He is willing to do any odd jobs and so far has no problem finding them. Ask around your neighborhood - there must be some elderly folks that could use a part time young man for odd jobs. Good luck.|::::|If $1,000 a month would be enough, you could do what I do. I contact people who need extra money and show them where to find it and for that I receive commissions.|::::|Sell valuable stuff you don t want on Ebay or go round singing Xmas carols with a friend on everyones doors that gets you like £20 every 3 hours lol|::::|It won t be easy for you, but my partner does quite well out of buying stuff in charity shops and selling it on Ebay.|::::|Sell mistletoe and holly house to house...offer to walk dogs for people on Christmas day...this is popular in our area|::::|if u find out let me no|::::|They need more staff for Christmas doing mail - people send Christmas cards! Weird! people like to go out over Christmas and have a few drinks and they have a problem about what to do with the children and so babysitters are not only in demand - they can ask for extra cash and get it. If you can drive - great offer a kind of taxi service for your semi alcoholic friends who want to go out on Christmas and New Year. You may be too late for putting up Christmas decorations - but taking them down later may offer a money making opportunity? Helping to do buffets over the festive season and cleaning up afterwards - will earn you some cash too. If it snows - great; there is a big demand for the white stuff in Australia - how the hell will we get it there? A freezer ship? My nephew went to a very well off area and earned loads in a few days cleaning peoples driveways. He got the work by accident they put his advertisement in the wrong newspaper! Remember, to make good money - take from the rich and give to the poor - you and me. Don t forget my 10% commission. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year 2009.
I want to run away. advice? -
This may seem really immature.... but i want to leave. I really am bothered by my family. Im trying not to sound cliche but I really cant take this. I cant this extreme strain on making good grades. i make good grades all ready and im really not that smart. They act like im someone who is capable of incredibly high greades because at my old school, in like 6th grade, it was way too easy... I cant make them all like 95 s at this new school because it is really hard. hardest in state. best in region. I want to pursue a career in music prodction which i am happy they support. but i try to get into DJing and they take it as a joke. they say they support my career but they claim that im fake and dont like music. I asked for turntable for christmas and they dont want to get them for me because they say they are a waste even though i have a whole business plan lined up which i have explained to them many times when they ask. they dont seem to listen or take me seriosuly. I want to leave and goto manhattan or some large metropolis where I can focus on my life and try to self make myself. Im not concerned with failure... if i cant do it, i guess i will be homeless. a bum.I feel like they say they care because it makes them feel good about themselves but they never take action. i have even offered to buy all the equipment with my hard earned money and they wont let me do it then! I want to drive away. I could sell my car and try to work something out up there...|::::|continue with school and what you want to do.. prove to your parents that this isnt a joke..have you thought of ideas in the past that you wanted to do and gave up on them and thats why your parents think that this might be the same deal..or is this for sure what you want to do, if so then you should let your parents know that you are serious about it..get that job, prove them wrong.|::::|I was in the same situation except my mother was abusive. She ended up kicking me out, I lived in my car, and my dad is thinking about divorce.. But what convinced even my parents was this: After many attempts to convince them I wanted to buy turntables and be a dj, i was tired of the rejection and being blown off as if I was going through some quot;phasequot;. Do this, sit them down and look them in the eyes as you talk to them to let them know your serious AND sincere. Tell them you really love this music and spent a lot of effort planning things out, tell them the plans might not go as planned but atleast youre still living your passion in music. tell them if they dont want to help, then for christmas you re going to make your own money and buy them yourself. thats what i did and my dad changed his WHOLE attitude toward me.. he bought me a full deck and Im a mobile dj now. The most important thing is this man... do something like what i stated above. AKA do something that lets them know you re sincere, that let s them know you re not as immature as they may think. and hey, if you re lucky enough for them to meet you halfway and listen to you... then make some compromise, don t try to win the whole thing. Parents aren t allowed to let you do that haha. Meet in the middle and make some compromise. If nothing works and you just must leave... go to a relative s. If you want to move to a big business area, then take 2 grand with you. or dont bother trying, for your sake. I ll pray for you man|::::|ok, DONT DO IT DONT DONT DONT DONT DONT if you cant stand it there get a job save up money get a apartment or stay with another family member get a job to support your self then get training to pusue your career and try ur business plan once your living fine are paining bills and hav a steady job. but i say dont do it, bad idea, i pray for you kid, youd be giving up love and care if you cant stand it there ease out buy saving up and making it on yourown, dont run away and ruin your relation ship and your life|::::|run away as far as you can go if you should turn back then you will know if not you should start a new life some were else|::::|don t run away its not the answer to any problem,stay in school graduate ,with out education you won t make your dreams come true, the more education you have the better chance you have of getting what you want,no place will hire you with out the proper education,if you really want to make it in life its going to take hard work, hang in their an concentrate on school(.good luck to you)
How do you get Red Ring of Death on your XBOX 360? -
am planning to buy a XBOX 360. Because of RED RING OF DEATH, I am really scared to buy one. Obviously, I don t wanna spend my hard earned money on something that is going to get broken down in 1 year. I heard some rumors that MS(Microsoft) fixed this problem. Is this even true? Also, I read some articles about quot;Jasperquot; Chps which cause your XBOX 360 to cool down a little bit. Am I safe to buy a XBOX 360? What should I do? Should I purchase XBOX 360? THANK YOU|::::|The Ring of death happens when you overheat the Xbox 360. You can feel the side if it is warm or hot.|::::|Had my 360 over 2 years Problem free, and Gears of War 2 KICKS ***|::::|No! Cooling sets are terrible for your console! Just make sure your console has good circulation and isn t stuffed in the corner of your cabinet or shelf with a bunch of other things around it. Allow your 360 to circulate air itself. If you want to blow cool air on it, place a fan directed towards your console. Cooling sets that only work when you plug your console into them are harmful because they draw power directly from your console. They are 3rd party for a reason. Don t be afraid of the RROD. They used to happen more frequently because Microsoft was in a rush to meet the demand. However, they have been made aware of their problems and have taken several steps to rectify the problem and ensure that future manufactured consoles meet a higher standard. Even is your console receives the RROD, call Xbox tech support and they will work with you to get your console fixed, for free, as long as it is still covered under their extended warranty, which it should be.|::::|they have fixed the xbox 360 now where there are no more 3 rings of death but if you fear that you mite get the 3 red ring of death then buy your self the ps3 i have been having mine for over a year and have not had any problem what so ever with my ps3 at all SRK09~~~?
Any easy way to earn by internet with no pay any money? -
Hi… U can earn online very easily for just receiving email promos and pay per click.. its very easy , freeand u can earn some 1400 rs. /month easily. U hav very less work to do.. try dis and enjoy also try dis if u hav mobile|::::|Hi, the way is easy but u need patience. If u are ready, keep following my blog.. I have just started writing and ll keep posting in future.. My blog: http://earn-money-online-information.blo...
Is $115,000 dollars a year (as a base) a lot of money to earn? -
I was just wondering because of my Grandma talking about jobs my dad was getting offers for.|::::|That is very good money. Even for a university graduate. If there are other bonuses, like a company car, then so much the better. Of course, that is the before tax amount. After tax will be considerably less. Best wishes|::::|That depends entirely on where you live. If you live in a big, big city like New York or LA, it might not go very far. If you live in an expensive suburb, it s also not very much. But if you live in a small town, it s a lot of money.|::::|That s a decent amount of change.|::::|It depends on where you live, but generally that is a lot of money. Most people earn less than $30,000/year.|::::|It depends. alot of people dont make that much but for a wealthy peson that amount would not mean much.|::::|Yes it is...especially if he will get bonuses, commissions, or other quot;perksquot; on top of that!
How to go about working abroud on a gap year? -
I am a New Zealander wanting to work abroud to earn money and experience overseas life. how should i go about this, I have no university qualification, but i want to work abroud in europe and i especially want to go to morrocco. Im in Dubai right now, should i stay here and find a job? Im finsing it hard to find a decent paying job here.|::::|Take a look at amp; select Specially for Students in the Side box. There s quite a bit of info on Gap Year travel|::::|use a search engine to find companies which offer gap year oppertunities. there are loads on the internet. the one im using and going with this summer is real gap ( which have loads of things to offer from volunterring oversees to getting paid work oversees.|::::|that s a good question
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
I love writing essays. How can I earn money by writing essays amp; articles for papers, mags or in any contests? -
If you could give an idea of what topic/subjects you like writing about I could give you more precise help in terms of who to ask, but generally, as the previous answer says, just keep writing, and keep pitching. Given the decline of newspaper circulation and the current financial downturn, getting paid for writing or journalism work is very tough. The best place to start is to scour the internet searching for websites which need articles on the subject you like to write about. Only a few will pay - and not a lot at that - but at least it gives you experience and a foot in the door, however modest. Have several articles or essays on the go at once, so that you can keep busy while you re waiting to see if one essay you ve submitted is accepted. It also stops you getting bored with once particular story. To ask a paper/magazine if they d publish your essay, first make a list of publications you d think would be suitable for your essay, and which your essay would fit in with - no point in submitting an article on nuclear fission to a rabbit lovers magazine. Obviously you ll get the addresses of the newspapers or magazines you want to write to from their website. There are also directories of all different publications - again on the web, or you can also get a big writers handbook from a book shop. Send them a letter - a quot;pitchquot; - in which you sell them your great idea. Tell them why you think they should publish your essay, and what makes your story so great and new. If you do an internet search for quot;how to pitch an article to a newspaperquot; for instance you ll get plenty of tips on how to write a proposal. It is more commonplace for a magazine to accept quot;freelancequot; work (ie. from individual writers who turn up unnanounced with a great idea) than newspapers, who are obviously more news-based and will have a core of employees. However, if you know of a newspaper that does feature articles, then by all means send them a letter or email with your idea. Don t send them the whole essay, as they don t have time to read it all. Once again, don t expect every one of your essays to be accepted, never mind paid for. But if you know your market, and your ideas and writing style are good enough, you can succeed!|::::|The other answers were excellent, but I see no one mentioned The Writer s Market. It comes out each year, and has a writeup of all magazines in print - whether or not they accept unsolicited manuscripts (MSS), whom to send MSS to and the address, plus tips on writing, formatting and many other things. You can get it new for less than $20 at, but your public library will also have a copy. Also - if you can, start a blog, an online journal. Just keep writing! And best of luck to you.|::::|Just keep writing an sending them in until you are noticed and don t stop. One famous novelist was rejected dozens of times until he hit. Same with essays and other areas of writing. Thats all the help I know to give you, but stay with it. Your name will soon become recognized and you will soon be an oldtimer.
Is anyone else tired of celebrities trying ti guilt-trip us out of our money? -
Please don t flame me for posting this rant. I just really needed to get it off my chest. Thank you. quot;Just $10 will cure an entire family...quot; Then they can cure an entire village! When they have three houses that remain empty when a fourth is being occupied and spend over one million dollars on weddings, they have no reason to try to guilt us out of our money! If they were decent, they d merely mention the charities in which they are involved, tell us a bit about each, let us know how we can get involved, and leave it at that. There are plenty of community fund-raisers that most of us are involved with already! We don t need to be pestered further when we KNOW that there are millions of people around the world that we just cannot help! I m not saying that all of them are like this. It s actually the ones we don t hear from that are actually doing something. I heard one blip somewhere a few years back during an interview with this one actor. I feel rotten having forgotten his name (but that just means he s a decent person and doesn t get caught up in the tabloids) who holds a full-time job, and doesn t pocket the money he earns from being a celebrity. He invests that money in charities. Please don t flame me for posting this rant. I just really needed to get it off my chest. Thank you.|::::|When you are famous and rich, it doesn t always mean give every check you have to charities. The power and influence a celebrity is ground breaking. One person who sees their favorite celebrity on TV could make them want to give in to what they are saying. When an actors act and musicians play their music we become so involved in their characters and their music that we feel like we have to oblige to the things we love. During the American Idol gives back, many celebrities were on including politicians to promote charities. The airing of that show caused people to dig into their pockets because their favorite celebrities were telling them to do so. Any charity is worth investing in so we can t keep close tabs on every rich person. Some people just choose not to share their wealth because there is always a day that they can lose it all from not getting enough roles so they need that cash to fall back on. At the end of the day, its worth giving the money but its theirs even though if they have a substantial amount they should do it. Its just something else that we have to live with in life..greedy people.|::::|i m with you 100%! if just $10 will cure an entire family, just one celebrity CAN cure an entire village. oprah can cure an entire village and not even miss the money. so can the kardashians....then there are the hilton s...and the trump s....justin timberlake can cure a village too....and beyonce....and jay z....and p diddy......geez, why ask us for money at all??????????????????|::::|No. Many of them probably have personality disorders, depression, ADHD and sociopathic tendencies. Why? Who really wants the camera in his face all day? Most people value privacy and personal freedom. These people are willing to sell themselves to the highest bidder. The industry uses and discards them. Most people would call it exploitation, unless you have the career of Meryl Streep or Jack Nicholson. There are very few people like that. Harrison Fords and Robert Redfords are one in a million. I figure anybody who would sell himself for money has a problem. Now, as for art, as in the desire to paint, sculp, write, make clothes or do something worthwhile, I can see the argument. It will be remembered. It influences people. It speaks to our desire for learning, creativity and marks down history. Art is like religion. It is studied and taught. This cannot be said of the average actor or model. They do nothing. They may be beautiful but in a fake sort of way and are often too thin and heavily made up. Maybe Deborah Harry and Uma Thurman are beauties but the rest are like Lindsay Lohan. So if you know you are just there for the money and selling your look for it, you know that you are a commodity and you do not matter as a person. Only a messed-up person would be drawn to this: e.g. Alice Cooper, Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love, Naomi Campbell, Jim Morrison and Brandy. Look at Whitney Houston. She was a gifted and beautiful singer. Down the tubes she went...even happened to great punk bands like the Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Ramones and U2.|::::|i dont really consider that guilt-tripping us. its done to illustrate just how little it would cost to make a large impact. lets face it: people fall for the celebrity appeal. because fans feel like they know them. would you be more likely to donate to something one of your friends ask you or stranger s? the charities use celebs because the public finds that more appealing and are more likely to donate while the celebs do it to feel good about themselves. i sure as hell dont feel guilty not donating anything lol.
How can earn online money ? -
i think this is helpful for you|::::|Hi, These days there are lot of opportunities right from survey filling, to playing poker, data entry. But if you are looking for a long term stable option that I d suggest go in for making a website. The process would take a couple of months but then you can earn right up to 4 digits. I found every other opp. rubbish. SBI is a great tool I am myself using it for my website if you want to have a look or to know more about SBI and other opp. check I think it should help|::::|sell sumthing on ebay|::::|forget surveys and affiliate stuff they pay stuff all. your best bet is your welcome.|::::|Take 5 minute yes/no surveys on your computer. Get paid for each one that you complete. Anyone can do this job. Great for stay at home moms, teens, students, and retirees to earn extra cash.|::::|This site provides some very easy short surveys and pays for it.|::::|The SpiderWeb Marketing System is the hottest new, cutting-edge system in the Network Marketing Industry. It was developed by experts after years of experience in MLM. Yet, the program is easy to learn through the 22 simple step-by-step tutorial videos. And most amazingly, its totally FREE. i made this video to prove you that im getting payed by the company and i show you how im making money online. click this link to watch the video. and ask yourself something,would you rather spend hours searching a good way to make money at Yahoo Answers or you could see a 10 minute video and you might find a real opportunity to make money online.
Do fashion designers ever get a break? -
Seriously, what is the lifestyle of a fashion designer? I want to be a fashion designer but I also want to be a performer. Don t you dare, if you are reading, tell me I can t do these! Cause most of the teachers in my high school are math teachers, and coaches, and parents, or actors. But, I m thinking if I go to school for fashion design and earn enough money on my salary, I can pay for performance arts school(such as acting, singing, dancing, and modeling). So, tell me what its like to be a fashion designer. No judgment at all!|::::|i dont think its too glamourous like they show on tv, but i dont think its too stressful. u just have to come up with a lot of things lt;3;...|::::|Depends if you work for companies like Prada or if you are independant. If you are independant. THen you work on your own time but of course you would want to work hard to get yourself out in the mainstream. If you work for a companie like Prada or Georgio Armani then you would have a certain schedule. If you worked in Europe like I have, you get a month or 2 month break depending on your boss. but in those months, people usually travel to find quot;inspirationquot; for the next clothing line.
Does anyone know a good way to make money? -
i m almost 17 and there s so many places i wonna go at the end of next year, i need to earn some money though does anyone know a job that might be hard but gets paid really well? thanks.x|::::|Just start out by getting A job and work from there.................|::::|You can learn Internet Marketing... IM is the only business which is recession free this time. Plan for long term, like I am earning money through some sites having adsense ads on it. if some one is clicking on those ads, I earn money.|::::|Try a call center in your area...they usually make good money with bonuses.....
If i cant apply for a job what can i do for a type of work to earn money? -
im 14|::::|Cut lawns, shovel snow. If you like kids, babysit. Help neighbors hang Christmas lights/put out Christmas decorations, take down/put away Christmas lights amp; decoraitons. Let people know you re available to do things around their house like move furniture, etc.
Monday, 25 June 2007
How many of you have a 4 yr college degree or higher and still earn less than $10 per hour? -
I m just wondering because I interviewed over 150 applicants for a Leasing Manager of an apartment community and couldn t believe how many of the applicants had bachelor degrees in business management and were earning such low pay. Of the 5 top candidates, not one showed they didn t have any accounts in collection or filed for bankruptcy. It was very discouraging. One applicant had over 25 accounts in collection... how am I supposed to trust her with over $35K coming in for rent money every month? No, she didn t get the job, I kept searching and finally found the right person, she s been there over a year now and the residents like her and she is very trustworthy!|::::|A 4yr degree in Business is the new 4yr psych degree.. it s pointless and doesn t get you anywhere.|::::|I don t have a degree yet but I know many people in that situation, and a lot of the time it isn t their fault, it s the economy or job market or both.|::::|Agreeing with quot;rebekkahquot; above me, a lot of the times, when folks are living from one paycheck to the next, some out-of-control debts aren t their fault. When you have folks that poor between pay periods and *Greedy* Banks all too willing to nail you for $30 at a time for any and all *minor math errors* of a nickel or less (unless you bribe them with an quot;overdraft protectionquot; savings account that earns no interest and flushes more money down Big Banking s Toilet), it happens. People can get behind and not even want to. People can get loopholed in a heartbeat into having loads of quot;bad debtquot;, and it can be as simple as a credit card company s *dropping the credit limit* on your card without due notice. That one s been in the news a *Lot* these past few weeks, that banks are dropping credit limits without warning *OR* regard to your past payment record. Meaning you can get loopholed into quot;bad debtquot; even when you pay your bills on time. ANYONE can. Which brings me to my point, Not So Gentle Asker. Did your quot;candidatesquot; consent to your probing of their credit records? Was it *Necessary*, in these times, to probe their credit record for a $10-an-hour managerial job? Is it necessary now to rag on people for having accounts in collection or in bankruptcy court? Most people are exactly ONE medical expense or car repair away from being bankrupted as it is.... So was this necessary? Was it called for? Did your superiors insist on this? Is it *LEGAL*? Honestly, this question itself borders on being libelous--if you had mentioned any identifying info at all it would be, because you re inferring *poor character* from a poor credit history. For shame. And for a $10-an-hour job, most likely with zero perks, that most folks would not stay in more than two years, under a better economy. It s a dead-end job. Why hassle and humiliate your quot;candidatesquot; so? And to answer your face-value Question, yes, I have a Degree and earn *way the hell* less than $10 an hour. Some of this was my doing as I made a poor choice of major and degree--one reinforced by a lot of false info from lying, deceitful quot;advisorsquot;. But a lot of this wasn t my took me a bit longer than average to graduate because I had to juggle *work, school and therapy* at the same time. And even now, I m still plagued with a persistent mood disorder--and a mental health system that refuses to be competent, on average, for more than nine months at any given time. It gets *really old* really quick these days. Why can I not secure both counseling *and medications that work* at the same time and actually *get better*? Oh yeah, because I m poor. Why am I poor? Because I can t work as much as I d like to, due to the mood disorder....oh, and yeah, HMOs refuse to pay one red cent of my psychiatric medical costs at my end. On my last job, I was working full time, doing ok, had the respect of my peers and everything. Until the last month hit and I was *jerked around* on healthcare. My medical expenses, in one month, jumped from a modest copayment to *more than my damned rent* at full cost out of my pocket. Even if the stress of dealing with that wasn t too much for me, essentially the only way I could have kept going was to pay for ALL of my healthcare myself. Which would have earned me a *Part Time Wage* for Full Time Work. And I d still be income cliffed out of everything else too--housing and such--for working Full Time. So can blame that on me I suppose, call me dead wood, and throw my job away, flush it down a Pakistani toilet or something. We both know better though. I can and have worked full time and competently. HMOs won t let me *keep working.* And folks like you who want to punish folks who are down on their luck, you *don t help*. Just saying. Thanks kindly for your time, such as it is.
Is it in any way possible to get something like a job online to earn me like 50US$ in a month? -
I am in college but closed for 2 months. I have unlimited access to the internet both day and night. I wonder what I could possibly do to earn me some next semester pocket money. I hear most stuff online is scam and lies. Are there any real ones which do not require any upfront cash. I am not willing to produce any money upfront because of scams. Please help me.|::::|NO, They are all scams and spams.. its better to stay away...|::::|get rid of scammers goto above website is a registrar of many multinational online job provides which are free to join and are verified that they do pay you. as well as all online jobs listed in that site is free to join and they pay no matter where you live. for this month there is a special offer for joining jobs too. One who earn the most from jobs listed in will be rewarded 1.5 times their salary. also has a online support. they help you on earning more. support include email support and conference with other job holders as well as with their stafs. |::::|WELL, THERE IS ALOT OF SCAMS OUT THERE. BUT, NOT ALL OF THEM ARE!! I VE CAME ACROSS SO MANY OUT THERE AND LOST INTREST IN IT. BECAUSE, THEY ASKED FOR SO MUCH AND ALL THE STUFF OFFERED IN THE ADS WEREN T AS THEY CLAIMED. AND THEN I CAME ACROSS THIS ONE. IT S DIFFERENT IN MANY WAYS, IT REALLY CAUGHT MY ATTENTION SO I TOOK THE CHANCE AND I AM MORE THEN SATIFIED OF WHERE I AM TODAY. ! WEL IF SO HERE IS THE SITE. |::::|work at taco bell if u have to... earning cash online can be costly...
How can i withdraw the interest earned money from 401k? i already maxed out my loan and hardship. thanks...? -
Hopefully you realize that borrowing from the funds in your 401k account is VERY different from actually withdrawing the money. Borrowing money from the account is bad enough because you d be paying back money that you had saved from tax-free earnings with income that has been taxed plus interest, thus erasing the advantage of having a 401k account in the first place and making yourself a little bit poorer in the end. BUT, withdrawing the money for any reason other than the few exceptions allowed by the IRS will immediately result in a 10% tax penalty. On top of that you will have to report the remaining 90% as taxable income your 1040 and you will have to pay income taxes on the amount. You said you already maxed out on what you might have been able to take out according the IRS s allowance for hardship circumstances. So if you withdraw the rest, you stand to lose quite a bit of your money to Uncle Sam. Read the following page for more information.|::::|You can t. You d have to quit your job and that while that would give you access to the remaining money, it would make the loan due.
Should we take money away from the most over paid(those on welfare) amp; give it to the most underpaid(miltary)? -
The plan should go as follows: For every year of miltary service, once you retire you earn a pension of $10,000 per year of service. So if you served 10 years, once you retire you will get $100,000 every year for the rest of your life. If you die in combat then your family will receive a one-time payment of $1 million (tax free of course) This plan would be easily funded by limiting each person to a total of 6 months of welfare per lifetime. If you need welfare for more than 6 months you are a waste of hard working Americans time, money, oxygen, etc.|::::|No. We, (who ever we are), should immediately abolish all military services globally, (that might end a few wars), and then divert those funds into sponsoring third world micro-banks, public education, public infrastructure and public health systems internationally. This would reduce disputes, most of which are caused by economic injustices, (despite the fact that religion has and is often exploited as an excuse for military conflict by the greedy and murderous.) Also, American priorities are of significantly less importance to the inhabitants of the rest of the world than they are to some Americans, except in the case of those who are suffering violence and destruction from it s cruel foreign policies.|::::|quot;If you need welfare for more than 6 months you are a waste of hard working Americans time, money, oxygen, etc.quot; Maybe you should walk in their shoes for a day. Welfare isn t living well, and being poor is horrible. Your dispicable statement is why Republicans get such a bad name. Where is your empathy and compassion? I bet you say you are a Christian, and look at how you behave! Happy Holidays... I hope you are spared a life of poverty and thank God everyday for it.|::::|I didn t serve for the money. Who does? The retirement check I get, though not much, is fair. A service member is already covered by insurance. Pay raises for active duty are needed to keep pace with inflation and comparable civilian pay. I would be in favor of doing away with any kind of welfare, unless it is earned.|::::|No. We should take narrow-minded, fact-challenged, under-educated, myopic specimens with a heart the size of a pea and round them up and throw them all behind 20-foot cement walls. Then the rest of us could live happily ever after, without being constantly bombarded by infantile hatemongering against those who are different from them.|::::|What about the failed banks, insurance companies and auto companies genius? The billions in welfare we have given them in just the past 3 months dwarfs the welfare you re talking about.|::::|Isn t what you are suggesting a form of welfare for the military? I do agree that they need a pay raise; but not in this way. |::::|it will not work for many reasons, but I am curious where did you come up with 6 month figure, considering unemployment insurance is given for 9 month (technically it is another government giveaway) |::::|Yes, and we send the poor and infirm to death camps.|::::|Some of those on welfare are veterans.|::::|I disagree with your plan for 2 reasons. 1.) military isn t the most underpaid 2.) people need welfare longer than 6 months now let me explain my reasons i was in the military and was paid nicely once you add in bonus and oversea pay and housing and medical. we lived Good in the military and now that me and my husband are both out we need our degree to get a job in the quot;real worldquot; so while we finish up school which will take us about 1 yr and a quarter and we both work we just cant make enough to survive so for that year we are getting food stamps and state medical i don t receive money but i do receive help. people need the help to better themselves and it takes longer than 6 months to do it. I do agree the military needs better retirement funds for veterans.
Where can a 15 year old get a job in tucson? -
I m looking to earn some money for myself to buy my own clothes and stuff, and i don t want a job as a babysitter,car washer, dog walker, ect. please give me serious answers on where i can get a real job in tucson please.|::::|some fast food places and retail stores will hire you. You ll have to get a permit. If you find something at a store it ll probably be bagging (if there s still stores around there doing that), pushing carts, or stocking.
How do i promote my website? -
I have a website wich is high potential to earn money online but i need to promote. One of the Greatest Earning Opportunity for Home workers, Part time jobbers, Net Surfers, Network Marketers to earn Extra Money from :|::::|use a free classifieds and is free for that.|::::|Advertise your website worldwide by taking the help of an advertising expert company, which provides Television Advertising, Print Advertising, Radio Advertising, Internet Advertising, Mobile Advertising, Outdoor Advertising and Airport Advertising. Thanks|::::|You don t promote it this way, anyway, via a lame question and an even lamer affiliate link. D oh!|::::|Since you know your target market you have an advantage. Check out the local library for books like quot;Marketing without Moneyquot; by Nicholas E Bade. You will find over a hundred free and low cost ways to attract the people who want and need your service. The best form of advertising is word of mouth. Once you have successful and happy customers they will tell others who will tell others, etc.|::::|this is how you promote it.|::::|dunno|::::|Promoting a website is much easier than one might think. Using a procedure...a system...lends great benefit to the user. Articles are written daily about what to do...and what not to do to gain top positions on Google, but the bottom line is...with the right system...and the ability to follow that system, anyone can obtain the positioning desired. quot;I have developed a system, a routine, if you will for effective promoting on the internet. I am not an internet guru, I am just a man who knows how to obtain top positions on the Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other major search engines. My plan, when followed to the letter, empowers individuals to gain top positions. My plan, which I consistently use every day is in this link: Promoting a website successfully on the inernet is really a very simple process. Utilize the tools mentioned inthe link...and be very consistent...and success will be yours!quot;
Which proffession has the most money?What would I have to do in order to be in that proffession? -
See,I want money when I get bigger,a lot of money.Money makes you rich and powerfull,so,I wanna know that in which proffession I can earn a lot of money.What would I have to do in order to be in the occupation?I am 14 now. THANKYOU.|::::|I would say that a CEO/big time banker give you the most money. In the CEOs case, I ve read the profiles of many of them, and they have majored in everything from history to finance to electrical engineering. Simply put, it s YOU and your PASSIONS that determine how well you ll do financially. Formula for your vain goal: 1.) Graduate high school and work on your writing! You re only 14, so you have time. 2.) Go to college and major in something you enjoy. 3.) In college, do internships. 4.) Budget your money to retain and save up money. 5.) If you want to get fancy, you can try bonds, stocks, mutual funds, CDs, etc., but ONLY if you know what you re doing. 6.) Graduate college with good grades. 7.) Get at least a Masters degree. 8.) Get a job and work hard to work your way up. 9.) Don t suck up, but create genuine friendships/relationships to get more contacts. 10.) Repeat 8 amp; 9 until you get yourself in a position where you re making the big bucks.|::::|Yeah, hookers make a lot of money, but there are occupational hazards depending on where they practice their trade. There s no money in drug dealing, only the top guys make any real dough there. Rock stars, actors, and sports players are a lucky elite. It takes more than just talent to get into that, but they are among the highest paid people around. Top executives make big bucks. For that you ll need a business education as well as good working knowledge of the industry you wish to captain. Doctors make big bucks too. Don t listen to the crying and complaining about insurance and education costs. Med school still has a higher ROI than most other education paths. Law can be profitable, but there are too many lawyers out there fighting over the scraps of the legal system. Specialize in a high paying area of the profession to get maximum returns. If you want to stop at your undergrad, then there s engineering, accounting, nursing, or any other professional degree. Professional degrees will always be in demand, and there are opportunities overseas where you can make a boatload of money and not pay taxes (legally). There are also non-academic routes. Start a business mowing lawns in the summer... by the time you graduate high school, you can have a brand new truck with all the gear for landscaping paid for, and a couple of guys working for you. Keep at it, build a name for yourself and grow the business. Sell it and start another business... wash, rinse, repeat. My Grandparents used to be in the motel business and they did alright one motel at a time, but they had friends in the same business who used a different business model - those friends did spectacularly well. They would buy motels that had problems, turn them around to make them profitable, hire a local manager and buy another to do the same. Their motel and now hotel portfolio is something to be envied.|::::|Well honestly, any profession has the potential to make you a lot of money. What you need to ask yourself is, do you want to make a lot of money in a field, or you do you want to be happy in that field. Necessarily making a lot of money as a motivation factor is a very good excuse. I actually know people who have very successful careers in their fields, but are miserable for various reasons. You want to do something you like, what you live for, money should not be the main factor(Although it is nice). To answer your question: In my opinion, There is no straight answer to this question, it varies greatly on seniority, economy, relations. To many factors to say which ones make the most, but I am going to take a stab at it and say Lawyer, Doctors, Nurse,Anesthesiologists, and other careers that require YEARS of additional schooling.|::::|Follow your interests and your passions, not money, or you may end up hating the life you lead. But, if you must know, here is a listing of the top 20 highest paying professions. Perhaps you can find your passion within them. It appears that anyone who knows how to manage money, people, or projects, or do extremely technical medical work will get paid well. Another good list: Here s a bigger list: If you find anything on those lists that rings your bell, start taking some classes that relate to it, or give you skills for it. Or join a school club like science club, computer club, math club, etc. I hope you don t think I m being patronizing. I know it s smart to think ahead. But you re 14, and you still have some years to play and have fun. Soon as you hit college, everything changes, so have fun now! :-)|::::|Prostitution.
Do banks and credit unions allow you to use existing CDamp;#39;s as collateral for a mortgage loan? -
I have a large CD that matures in 2 yrs and was wondering if it can be used as collateral for a mortgage loan. It is size-able and I d like to see it earn the money it was designed to earn but at the same time I may I want to buy a house and right now I d have to use approx 65% of my income to make the monthly mortgage payments (which I think is too high a percentage for the bank to approve a loan). I m thinking if they considered the CD as collateral that they would approve the loan. Am I correct in this?|::::|All you can do right now is submit for a prequalification from someone who isn t going out of business soon. US bank or BofA perhaps and see what they say. According to analysts, a 2nd wave of foreclosures is on us that will last 3 years with 8 million more houses hitting the market. If the CD matures in 2, you may have enough cash to buy a home outright.|::::|Under no circumstance buy where the payment will be 65% of income even if you can get some idiot banker to agree, Save money and never exceed 30-34% of income. No matter how sweet the deal or wonderful the house you simply cannot afford it at the percentage you listed.
Online advertisement -give idea? -
Respected sir/madam I want to earn money through the online. I have the website I want to earn money through the online advertisement. In which advertisement I will join. and I know Google adsense is the one of the top advetisment company. but It says I must wait 6 month during this time for registration.During this six month period what shall I do. Where shall I join. please give the detail information. The bidadvertise,adbrite it is not give the high income it will give very low income so give the alter solution.|::::|There are other methods also. You can use a combination of PPC, text link, cPM advertising and affiliate programs. Send an email to for details|::::|You could look at affiliate programs like In the meantime, while youre waiting 6 months, just keep building the traffic that comes to your website|::::|Website is not always the answer. You need to take a training course on affiliate marketing. Which it sounds like that is what you are trying to do. You can advertise thru google adwords, yahoo, msn. You can write ezine articles for free about your business. Start a blog writing about your business. Get free PR websites to promote your business. There are a million in one things to get free advertising to promote your business. Go to link exchange websites. Sell your product on Ebay. You need TRAFFIC! You need to have a autoresponder on your website to capture names so you can email them every other day about your products you are selling. I would suggest aweber. They are the best. You can buy lists to help you begin. Adsense is not the end all and will not make you very much money unless you are getting about 1MM people a month to visit you. Video s for training are available for all of this. Check out the website below for more free information. Good luck!|::::|this works for me:) easy, and this guy teach you everything you need to know:) if not you get your money back ;)
Sunday, 24 June 2007
How can a 15 year old make money without getting a job? -
i have 2 much going on 2 commit 2 a job right now but i do baby sit amp; petsit amp; make a good bit of money but i need a steadier income bcuz i want 2 start saving 4 a car, amp; im getting the iPhone but my parents want me 2 pay the $30 a month media charge(my parents r going 2 match wat i save so i would like 2 save a good bit so i can get a new car)....all the people n my neighorhood r young amp; have lawn service or maids so idk of another way 2 earn money....if u can think of maybe a weekend job that would b great but i have swim meets saturday amp; usually go baby sit aftr those.....thx!!|::::|Seriously- save your babysitting/petsitting money. It s not that hard to do- and if you can find MORE people to sit for, then it can totally become a steady cash flow. If you really want to save for that car, then don t get the phone. Try maybe a cheaper phone with a plan that s equally cheap. My phone bill isn t EVEN thirty dollars per month, and I m your age and doing FINE. Sure, iPhones are nice- but in the long run which one are you going to want more? The phone or the car? Don t buy other things. For realz. If you can resist the temptations of spending, then you ve got it down. Save your allowances! That s a pretty sweet deal! I don t think I ve actually gotten an allowance since I was nine! Try putting all the money you save in to a locked bank account- if you can t access the money UNTIL you re at that age where you can buy the car/you have enough, then you can t spend it, right? And... in order to get it faster... do you really need a NEW car? There are some pretty sweet used ones out there...|::::|ask your parents if theres anything around the house you can help out with or do chores around the house.|::::|I think what you got going on right now is fine. i mean, babysitting and petsitting? Thats pretty good, but if your still not happy with that.. Maybe volunteer at a hotel or something. ( You can bus, like cleaning the dishes and stuff. ) i ve done it before and got paid by the hour. It depends also what type of hotel / restaurant you decide to go too. But as long as you keep a jar or a tab on how much your making and putting a little bit aside to save thats also good. Maybe just look for more little kids to babysit, so then you can get paid more often. Good luck : )|::::|this is what they do at my high school. ok you get 2 girls to guard the enterance of a bathroom. and you and maybe 2 of your friends are in there. and guys pay to **** you.|::::|do chores arond the house or collect bottoles.. u really cant do much|::::|prostitution. you even get to make your own hours.|::::|drug dealer steal stuff and pawn it for money.|::::|ask your parents for some money, think of a reason they will not say no to|::::|sell crack/cocaine and you ll have enough money to last you a life time... just like scarface|::::|I have a friend who tutors a younger kid once a week. She s helping him with his math and stuff that he s struggling with. His parents are paying her to come once a week to help him. You might be able to do some light housekeeping for people since you already babysit and pet sit. That would be a bonus to the babysitting fee if you could get paid extra to do laundry or clean, maybe even wash the pets and groom them. I had a friend who offered his services to clean out garages and attics. Sometimes people let him keep stuff he found that they didn t want and he sold it on ebay. He made pretty good money with that. Yard sales are good too.
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