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Sunday, 11 February 2007

HEAVY DRINKERS... What do you spend on drinking per week? How many hours do you work to earn your fun? -

Hi, i have asked this one before, and gotten accused of being everything from a repressed kill joy church lady to a closet tippler... but i am none of those things. I am trying to understand why my mate is more willing to lavish time, money and attention on box wine (Ms. Merlot) than on myself, and why this is OK or necessary in his mind. Somehow I don t think it would be productive to ask directly. Please enlighten me.|::::|Your issue could be quite complex really (based on my own experience). I am a reformed heavy drinker who thought my drinking was due to my partner s indifference to me. I realise now it was the cause of much of her indifference and low self esteem. I still enjoy a drink, but now restrict it to parts of my life that have always existed even before we met. I feel so much more healthy and content, I thought alcohol was a source of pleasure, it was actually a source of many problms and displeasure. I know other people close to me who also suffer from the problem you do, and the problem is that alcohol is such a powerful drug that until they realise the only way to stop the damage they are doing is stop, they won t change, no matter how much you mean to them. The only way you can help is to seek support / counselling - maybe start with your doctor. Hopefully your partner will accompany with you, but if not you can go alone. A very serious reply, but I have been so heavily affected by alcohol I can t treat it lightly. Good luck.|::::|about $79 a week. Some of us drink too much i admit. It can be a problem and in my case its deppression. Drinking is a way to dull the senses and not worry about things. It works while you are intoxicated but makes things worse when your not. Try getting him involved in other activities. good luck|::::|you must be a bore and he the alcohol to numb the pain

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