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Friday, 14 September 2007

Are Atheism and Agnosticism generally accepted in the rest of North America? -

I am from Mexico and most people here are Catholic. I have unintentionally gotten into several arguments because I have voiced my opinion over religion, particularly Catholicism. I don t appreciate the fact that people give their hard-earned money to an establishment who claims to give the money gathered in collection plates to the poor but really doesn t. Being that the majority of Mexicans are Catholic and contribute to the church, why is there still a lot of poverty in my country? The priest in my church, for example, has a luxurious car. Not very humble. Please excuse my English.|::::|1) Your English is fine, but your train of thought seems garbled. You didn t say anything about atheists or agnostics in your details. 2) Don t capitalize atheism and agnosticism as they are not proper nouns like religions are. 3) I have never been to Mexico, but from what I understand there is a lot of corruption. It is sad if what you say is true and even most religious establishments have succumb to greed and general self interest. Poverty will never be eradicated, but the fact that supposedly humble priests have luxuries is a clear indicator something is amiss. 4) In the United States we have the freedom of religion, or the freedom from religion if you are an atheist. Some non-believers would might say that they are mistreated because they are the minority (agnostics and atheists make up only 4% of the population as I have heard), but generally there is no kind of discrimination within law enforcement or job offerings.|::::|I think the majority of this country (US) are catholic (Christians), but we do believe in the freedom of religion here. Sure, there are always people who will tell you what they think, but thats what makes it great here- you have a choice to believe whatever you want to :) Religion and finance have nothing to do with each other, you being catholic should know that. Somewhere in the bible it says to give all to the lord and he will provide for you....|::::|That is because the Catholic Church has destroyed the culture in Mexico through the Jesuits. Yes, Atheism and Agnosticism are accepted in North America under the first amendment which grants all citizens the right of freedom of religion.|::::|Just about any belief is accepted in the U.S. However, if you voice your opinion on religion you are almost guaranteed to get into an argument no matter where in the world you are. Keep voicing your opinions.|::::|Generally, no.

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