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Thursday, 18 January 2007

How can we earn money? -

We are 12 year old girls and we need $400 before September of 2009. If we do not get this money we will face serious difficulty.We live in Caifornia so there is no snow. Also its been rainy where we live and we cant wash cars. We also cannot get allowance, our parents refuse to give us money for anything (even report cards). Please help!|::::| . JUST HAVE TO REGISTER AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN AND YOU WILL EARB $25 PER REGISTERATION|::::|You could ask your Mums to buy you a pack of soft drinks, and then borrow an eski, make some ice, and take it down to the beach or the park on a hot day, and sell each can for a profit. Use the profit to buy another pack of drinks and repeat til you have the money. Offer to help people for money. You can wash cars sometimes, especially after it s been raining, when they are all muddy and dirty. Just spend all weekend offering to wash people s cars for them. You have time to make the money. If you offer your services for $10 a car, that s only 40 cars you need to wash. Offer to clean people s wheelie bins or do icky jobs like cleaning out stables or animal pens. You shouldn t get money for good grades. You should get good grades regardless of financial reward. You should have a look on Yahoo Answers for questions similar to your own. There are hundreds of kids asking basically the same questions. Read the answers. You might get some good tips, even if your question doesn t get a lot of answers. Don t respond to any of the internet offers people might post. They are scams, and also can have dodgy websites that can infect your computer. So keep your earning off the computer. Best wishes|::::|YOUR TOO YOUNG TO KNOW HOW TO HANDLE IT.|::::|As a mom that deals with finance, I have set up custodial savings accounts for my children. When they want something, they have to save up for it. If they didn t save for it - they can t have it. Dissapointed that if your moms are BOTH finance advisors they have not set up. /|::::|knit something, for example scarf, then sell it... Or make a jam at home and put it nice jars, that would be wonderful...then sell the for example orange jams.

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