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Thursday, 28 June 2007

Question on Titheing (giving the church 10% of what you make)? -

I am babysitting this New Years, my parents and I have set up a plan for my $ when ever I earn money 10% goes to church 50% goes into a college account and 40% goes into spending whatever I want. I was wondering if it would be ok if just for New Years I kept all the money, is that a sin? The bible says donate 10% of what you make but I just want some money to have fun with. Please dont disrespect my plan b/c it works VERY well, im 14 and I have $1,000 to spend and have fun with!|::::|Tithing is not for New Testament believers. The New Testament says to give what you want cheerfully, and if you don t want to give, then don t Tithing rules are under the Old Testament law. Believers are not under the law, so any group that forces tithing, is wrong on that point.|::::|I wouldn t say it s a sin but maybe give some of the money to a charitable organization in your town. That way it has personal meaning for you as well. I don t see what s wrong with keeping money to spend but as you stated you already have a thousand bucks to play around with. Also, if this is an agreement with your parents, would you have to lie to them to keep the money? I d put more towards my college education and less towards my spending but that s just me. I m still in debt and 35. Just some thoughts. Be well.|::::|I don t believe that you have to give money to the church to be a good Christian. Churches have begun to be more of a business than a place of worship. Giving any of your money as a 14 yo is a good sign of commitment to begin with. Keep your money for New Years. God doesn t punish anyone for spending their own money.|::::|If you already have $1000 to spend and have fun with why do you need even more? What kind of fun are you planning on? Look, this is between you and your parents. But I will say that if you like the current system then keep it. If you deviate even once, you will be tempted to do so again. Pretty soon you ll find yourself not putting anything into your college savings.|::::|It s your money, do what you want with it. I guess it s actually a good preparation for the future, where the government will tax you instead of religion (or in the worst case, along with religion). You are -so- going to have the same dilemmas, hehe.|::::|You could convert to Islam and SAVE! They only require you tithe 2.5%............ just kidding. God gives you everything you need to live: water, air, food, and resources for shelter and heat. What if, just for New Years, God decided not to give you any of those things, but keep them all to himself?|::::|Peter said that what is yours is yours, but IF you say you re going to give to the Church, then give. For some reason, the Church didn t teach Peter said that back in the Middle Ages. :)|::::|Do what you want with it. It is YOUR money, YOU earned it. Bible says give to the needy, not to the church. (The church is not needy)|::::|Margret, Your plan sounds great and I would stick to it not borrowing God s money . I personally would not take God s tithe . God bless amp; Merry Christ mas !|::::|If you already have $1000, why do you need to keep ALL your New Year s money? Treat it the same as all other earnings.|::::|All of the times that I didn t tithe I found that God in some way exacted His 10%|::::|Why would you need the extra money anyway? You have enough to have a lot of fun.|::::|Keep your money. You earned it. You deserve it. I would like to know though, who paid you $1000 dollars to babysit?|::::|God bless you for already tithing. Never forget 2 things: 1--We are under grace. You don t need to try and do anything to gain God s favor. Grace means undeserved favor. 2--All of our money, not just 10% is God s. Now concerning tithing: God does bless us when we give to support His work—but not necessarily by giving us more money. His blessings come to us in many ways, including the joy of knowing that He is using our gifts to help others and point them to Christ. God doesn t promise to bless us, however, if our motives are selfish or we are giving only because we hope to get something in return. One of the most sobering stories in the Bible is that of Ananias, who with his wife sold some property to give money to the church. (You can read about them in Acts 5:1-11.) But they were only doing it to impress people, and they lied and held some of it back. God severely judged them as a result. Christians who want to please the Lord often have questions about tithing. The dictionary defines the word quot;tithequot; as quot;a tenth part of something paid as a voluntary contribution or as a tax especially for the support of a religious establishment.quot; It was a common practice in the Old Testament and required of members of the nation of Israel. Many Christians believe that this principle of giving one-tenth should be carried over to the New Testament in giving ton the church and other ministries. I have found in my own home, as have thousands of others, that God s blessing upon the nine-tenths, when I tithe, helps it to go farther than ten-tenths without His blessing.ving to the church and other Christian organizations. However, even then the question as to whether to tithe from one s net or gross income is not answered in Scripture, nor is the question of whether to give it all to the local church or to include other ministries. I feel that such decisions should be based on personal conviction. Other Christians who tithe do so simply because they respect the Old Testament principle and find it a helpful place to begin in their giving. They do not believe, however, that tithing is a New Testament obligation. It is not mentioned in the New Testament except where it is describing Old Testament practices, or in the Gospels where Jesus is addressing people who were under the Old Testament law. Note Jesus comments to the Pharisees in LukeA New Testament teaching on giving which may be helpful to you is found in 1 Corinthians 16:2: quot;On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income.quot; This passage brings out four points: we should give individually, regularly, methodically, and proportionately. A New Testament teaching on giving which may be helpful to you is found in 1 Corinthians 16:2: quot;On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income.quot; This passage brings out four points: we should give individually, regularly, methodically, and proportionately. The matter of your giving is between you and God, and He always takes into account our circumstances. He knows when they are beyond our power to direct and control. The important thing is that we see giving as a privilege and not a burden. It should not be out of a sense of duty, but rather out of love for the Lord and a desire to see His kingdom advanced. Second Corinthians 9:6-7 says: quot;Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.quot; The deeper question, you see, is this: What has priority in our lives? Is Christ really first—or do we put ourselves and our own desires first? Make sure Christ is first in your life, and then ask Him to guide you.|::::|For your info... The bible does not say that if you do not give 10% of your earnings to the church, you are sinning. The idea for the 10% comes from the bible verse that says something like quot;Who would not give 1/10 of all they own to help with the building of a temple for God?quot; You also see the figure 1/10 appear numerous times throughout the Old Testament in reference to one person giving another person in the form of a quot;tithequot;. This is where the church idea fortithing comes from. To not tithe to the church is not a sin. God does not want anything given to him because there are rules that demand it... God wants people to give to him because they WANT to... like the spirit of the Christmas holoday we just celebrated. If you can t afford to give the tithe, for whatever reason, it s not a sin to not tithe. If it still burdens your heart that you haven t given your tithe to the church, perhaps you could make an offering of time to the church in the form of helping out with something, providing a service to someone from your church, or perhaps something as simple as prayer. Discuss the idea with your church elder... they will have a better idea of what the needs of the church are and where you could best fill them.|::::|You ll have to take that up with your parents, but it might help to understand why your parents feel the way they do. The ten percent of our income we are asked of God is not our money, it is His. So if we don t give that to the Lord we are robbing God. God doesn t need that money, he s got plenty of millionaires that believe in Him. He will probably never need your money, but you might need to pay it as a demonstration of your faith. If you want some extra cash I d take it from the college fund first (I can t think of any lasting fun stuff that would require more than a thousand bucks. Maybe a computer but you can take that to college.) I had a paper route when I was 12 a lot of my money was put away for college with the help of my parents. I still have that money. Now I m almost done with college (I ve paid for it myself), married and I haven t spent any of it, but I m sure glad it s there and I m making a lot of money in interest from the bank.

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