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Monday, 25 June 2007

Should we take money away from the most over paid(those on welfare) amp; give it to the most underpaid(miltary)? -

The plan should go as follows: For every year of miltary service, once you retire you earn a pension of $10,000 per year of service. So if you served 10 years, once you retire you will get $100,000 every year for the rest of your life. If you die in combat then your family will receive a one-time payment of $1 million (tax free of course) This plan would be easily funded by limiting each person to a total of 6 months of welfare per lifetime. If you need welfare for more than 6 months you are a waste of hard working Americans time, money, oxygen, etc.|::::|No. We, (who ever we are), should immediately abolish all military services globally, (that might end a few wars), and then divert those funds into sponsoring third world micro-banks, public education, public infrastructure and public health systems internationally. This would reduce disputes, most of which are caused by economic injustices, (despite the fact that religion has and is often exploited as an excuse for military conflict by the greedy and murderous.) Also, American priorities are of significantly less importance to the inhabitants of the rest of the world than they are to some Americans, except in the case of those who are suffering violence and destruction from it s cruel foreign policies.|::::|quot;If you need welfare for more than 6 months you are a waste of hard working Americans time, money, oxygen, etc.quot; Maybe you should walk in their shoes for a day. Welfare isn t living well, and being poor is horrible. Your dispicable statement is why Republicans get such a bad name. Where is your empathy and compassion? I bet you say you are a Christian, and look at how you behave! Happy Holidays... I hope you are spared a life of poverty and thank God everyday for it.|::::|I didn t serve for the money. Who does? The retirement check I get, though not much, is fair. A service member is already covered by insurance. Pay raises for active duty are needed to keep pace with inflation and comparable civilian pay. I would be in favor of doing away with any kind of welfare, unless it is earned.|::::|No. We should take narrow-minded, fact-challenged, under-educated, myopic specimens with a heart the size of a pea and round them up and throw them all behind 20-foot cement walls. Then the rest of us could live happily ever after, without being constantly bombarded by infantile hatemongering against those who are different from them.|::::|What about the failed banks, insurance companies and auto companies genius? The billions in welfare we have given them in just the past 3 months dwarfs the welfare you re talking about.|::::|Isn t what you are suggesting a form of welfare for the military? I do agree that they need a pay raise; but not in this way. |::::|it will not work for many reasons, but I am curious where did you come up with 6 month figure, considering unemployment insurance is given for 9 month (technically it is another government giveaway) |::::|Yes, and we send the poor and infirm to death camps.|::::|Some of those on welfare are veterans.|::::|I disagree with your plan for 2 reasons. 1.) military isn t the most underpaid 2.) people need welfare longer than 6 months now let me explain my reasons i was in the military and was paid nicely once you add in bonus and oversea pay and housing and medical. we lived Good in the military and now that me and my husband are both out we need our degree to get a job in the quot;real worldquot; so while we finish up school which will take us about 1 yr and a quarter and we both work we just cant make enough to survive so for that year we are getting food stamps and state medical i don t receive money but i do receive help. people need the help to better themselves and it takes longer than 6 months to do it. I do agree the military needs better retirement funds for veterans.

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