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Saturday, 25 August 2007

Doesnamp;#39;t it seem a bit unfair that we arenamp;#39;t getting any relief, yet we are paying for it all? -

And when we do it is a measly $600? With the $700B they spent on Wall street they estimated that every single American could have gotten $2000. That would have been $10000 just for my family.We could have paid off our debts and had money to spare. We could have repaired our credit and had a fresh start. But no. All the rich corps get our hard earned money and I am sick of hearing about how it will help me in the long run. My husband has 2 jobs and I work at home plus take care f my kids and we still have no money and are living paycheck to paycheck. We receive no public assistance whatsoever. I don t know about you, but I could use some relief right now instead of the long run . If they can keep coming up with billions of dollars for companies, I say it is time for us to take a stand before we all starve to death and it is too late.|::::|Yeah, the whole system is pretty screwy. It is just another case of the rich discriminating against the poor. This has been going on for the longest time. You see, they don t give bailouts to your average guy on the street because they just don t trust him. They don t trust the lower economic classes. They d rather go with their faulty trickle down system. The thing is that it never really does trickle down. The incompetent financial corporations that received the money pretty much got that money with no strings attached. There was very little oversight as to how that money will be spent. Their business cronies in government hooked them up big time. You had better believe that those firms will be using that money for undeserved executive bonuses, corporate parties, corporate jets, new office buildings, expensive lunches, and all sorts of crooked things. They re going to have fun with the money before their business ultimately fails. They re going to live it up on our dime. Meanwhile, the average citizen who really needs the cash won t see a cent of it. The whole thing is a big racket. It is just history repeating all over again. Some people are wise to their game though. When you see government and business combining to rip citizens off again you just gotta say, quot;Who they tryin to hustle?quot; Yeah, if more people questioned authority then corporations would never be able to get away with this in the first place. The problem is that most citizens are too busy shopping and going to football games to even care about how their own government really works.|::::|I don t want quot;reliefquot;. I just don t want to pay for the poor business decisions made by others. Joshua, Barack Obama doesn t have a f##### clue how to quot;helpquot; people. He doesn t understand economics, and, like the neocon Republicans, he firmly believes in more government.|::::|All I have to say is f__k the government! Im so tired of their sh*t. F__k coporations and anyone else who doesnt give a rats @ss about us everyday Americans. Your right $600 isnt going to do sh*t, didnt they learn anything from the economic quot;stimulusquot; package from earlier this year???? F__K no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|::::|You are right, It is outrageous. We are protecting the same banks that screwed us over in the first place. We are protecting the same car companies that have resisted change for 30 years. I feel bad for the workers. I dont want to see the economy collapse. But when will there be justice!|::::|Hold on a bit longer. Obama wants to help regular people, but he can t do it until he s in office -- Bush and the Republicans have opposed most anything that doesn t benefit Wall Street and the mega rich.|::::|what part of privatizing profit and socializing debt is unfair?|::::|Considering that money was supposed to be helping the average working american in the first place, yes, i d say that was a little unfair.|::::|What will really flip your lid is when you realize that this is all intentional......keep seeking my friend....the answers are out there....|::::|Don t worry, it is all a big scam. It is all about the re-distribution of wealth. That is what government does; it takes from one and gives to another. The trick you need to learn is how to always try to be on the receiving end. Imagine this, the US is a lot like 3 wolves and a sheep voting on what s for dinner. Here is a hint. You are the sheep. It might help if you are in a protected class. The best to be is a Black Female if you can. Try to be one or the other if you can t be both.|::::|We, the working class, as far as the government and big Corporations are concerned are merely the rabble and we are not of their lofty social or economic level, certainly never equals in any shape or form. We are disposable in their view of greater matters of the world. Never think for one minute that the working class will receive more than lip service as the politicians and corporate CEO s would never waste time (real time) or $$ on us. If I sound cynical then you read me correctly, but cynical with good reason considering all the lies and corruption that steadily come to light day after day.|::::|Due to the high war deficits, The USD has been going lower against JPY, Yuan,NTD,and HKD. July 07 $1usd=127JPY, today 1usd=87JPY. The usd has been going higher against Euro, yet, it was predicted that it will start a downward spiral as soon as all the US banks finish withdrawing their investments in Europe for US dollars that they urgently need, and that process just started on last Friday, for the first time in 9 month, USD started going south against Euro, today 1USD=0.69EUR. Since 2004, when the amount of the government bond issuance reached an annual average of $400 billion, 94% of US government bonds have been purchased by China and Japan.quot;There is no wonder the dollar will weaken,quot; said Eisuke Sakakibara, Japan s former top currency official and now a professor at Waseda University. quot;The dollar now looks strong for a technical reason. The money the US financial firms had invested in the world is being repatriated into the homeland, causing dollar-buying. But once this conversion into the dollars is done, the currency will head south,quot; Sakakibara said at a forum in Tokyo on Sunday.|::::|They know. It is in the economic policies. And the Government made the mistake of thinking they were the top. And that giving money to the CEOs of the big corporations would result in just everybody getting it, you know, the trickle down theory. Yeah, maybe trickle sideways. And now ol Bummer is trying to think of ways to give us more of our money. Isn t it great? Tax cuts so we can keep more or our money, more money spent on research into alternative whatevers, maybe a little offshore drilling, . . .|::::|I completely agree with you. Seems to me the way to get the people spending again is to help them. If each person were to get this windfall, the creditors would be paid and defaulted mortgages would be paid so the bail out would right itself. Money left over would make people want to spend some of it which would kick the economy in the but where it needs it to get spending. I can t figure out how they honestly think a measly $600. can help.

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