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Tuesday, 28 August 2007

How would you feel i you a woman worked and your quot;manquot; didnt but got 650.00 a month to sit at home? -

i work pt/but at ft hrs and bring home more than my guy.weve had a lot of fights about money and that he gives all his money to rent but doesnt have a dime to his name after he gives it all to rent.he gets $650 rent is $774 i pay the diff. i also pay all the other bills like elec.121.00,cable/inter.131.00,gas80.00,... why should i give him any money at all if its my hard earned money.he does have a dissabilty bipolar but i earned it.his parents think i should give him money split the extra cash 50/50 which is like 220.00 each month.what do all you girls/guys think?im kinda fed up.|::::|His disability is very valid but it doesn t mean he can t work. My fiance and I are both bipolar and we both work part-time 24-30 hours per week. Your boyfriend needs proper treatment that will allow him to work but in the meantime if you love him and you live together you need to support the household so you don t lose your house. He shouldn t be paying all of the rent if you live together rent should be split down the middle.|::::|That would annoy me! Just the fact that he has no money so you two can never do anything. Is he your husband or boyfriend? His parents need to mind their business. Money is not everything. but it can cause a great deal of stress when there is not enough. You have to decide if he is worth this.I would leave him, but that s just me.|::::|are you married to this man? I think his parents need to mind their own business. Being bipolar doesn t mean he never works. There must be some things he can do. If you aren t married to him, run. There s so much more to life.|::::|i belive in that man should be responsible and lady help him not oposite.may be in ur case the oposite but at least he shouldnt fight with u for money coz from the begining u take his responsibility and u spend more than him for ur life|::::|if you really love him why does it matter who pays what. why don t you just put all your money together in the same account. that why no saying who pays what.|::::|i would want my guy to be a provider. but you have to work our what you want. did you know he had this condition before you moved in with him... i suggest being kind towards him|::::|doesnt matter if you are a man or woman..remember all those years women fought for equality? if you really love shouldnt play a role in it.|::::|If you loved him you would travel to the end of the earth and back again for him... All my best (: E-mail me if you want to know anything else (:|::::|I think you shouldn t let a little math get in the way of love.|::::|you are a good girl, good luck. my deep sympathies 4 you....|::::|Hell, no. I don t care how he gets it. He needs to pay some bills since he spends most of his time at home. Is he at least keeping it clean and nice looking. I know people with disabilities that still work and pay bills. If money is the problem, why don t you two add it all up and divide it by two. After that, whatever he has left he use for himself and learn how to budget his money not use yours. You earn it, not him.|::::|honestly?? i think that most people are diagnosed with mental disabilities all the time but they are a load of cr*p. so the mere fact that he is getting disability from it shows that he is part of the scam. he wants to be a lazy bum and get paid for it. i think u need to stop supporting him immediately. he isnt going to work unless he is forced to. he sounds like a very pathetic man...and i no ppl with quot;bi polarquot; disorder who can function in everyday life...hes not retarded, therefore he can get a job. i dont believe ppl should be able to collect on this bogus sh*t. its so frustrating to me...and we wonder why r economy is sh*ttin the bed. bc we are dishin out money to ppl like him. i would leave him if i were u and find a real man who wants to be an active contributor to ur real men usually do. and to be very honest...if u even consider giving him $220/month to spend u will be extremely naive, gullible and out of this world crazy. good luck with that.|::::|I wouldn t split what you earn 50/50 because that s your money. But If you pay just what you have mentioned here then you pay $451 each month and he s paying $650 which means you are paying $200 less which means you should give him $100 each month. Or you can look at it this way: your bills amount to $774 + elec.121.00,cable/inter.131.00,gas80.00 which add up to $1106 total. If you split that by half: $553 each. So if he pays that, he s left with $97 of his hown money AND he s still paying you half of your gas which should be your own expense because you spend it to earn your money so it s yours to spend and NOT his. So he d be entitled to another $40. Having said all this, I bet you are also paying for his food? So the equation doesn t exactly work out, however if he cooks it and washes up afterwards then it evens out. Just try to be fair. An advice would be to get rid of cable/net for something cheaper, I pay $75 so wise up, you can do it too.|::::|are you married, dating? 18 or 42? personally (and i am a behavioral health professional) i think most people with bipolar disorder, provided they are receviing adequate treatment, should be able to hold down at least a parttime job, howveer, this would mean no more disability check. however, if he is truly unable to work, and the money is such a topic of contention, perhaps you two hould reevaluate your lifestyle and find a place to live that costs less, cut out the unnecessaries, such as cable, so that you both can contribute and have your own money left over

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